MSC.198(80) Adoption of Amendments to the Format and Guidelines for the Maintenance of the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)


Resolution MSC.198(80)


(adopted on 20 May 2005)




RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,


RECALLING ALSO resolution A.959(23) on Formal and guidelines for the maintenance of the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) and in particular operating paragraph 4(b) through which the Assembly has requested the Committee to keep the Format and guidelines under review and amend them, as appropriate, in the light of experience gained,


NOTING that a number of practical difficulties have been encountered when issuing Continuous Synopsis Records and, in particular, when a ship is transferred to the flag of another State the Government of which is a Contracting Government to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (the Convention),


NOTING ALSO that on a number of occasions ships have encountered difficulties during the exercise of control pursuant to the provisions of regulation I/19 of the Convention and/or during the exercise of control and compliance measures pursuant to the provisions of regulation XI-2/9 of the Convention as a result of matters related to the Continuous Synopsis Record,


ACKNOWLEDGING the need to review and amend the guidelines for the maintenance and the forms of the Continuous Synopsis Record as result of the experience gained,


HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the provisions of the regulation XI-1/3 of the Convention to introduce the IMO Unique Company and Registered Owner Identification Number Scheme and to regulation XI-1/5 of the Convention (SOLAS regulation XI-1/5) to include in the Continuous Synopsis Record the registered owner and the company identification numbers,


RECOGNIZING the need to reflect the aforesaid amendments to SOLAS regulation XI-1/5 in the forms of the Continuous Synopsis Record,




.1 amendments to the Format and Guidelines for the maintenance of the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR), as set out in Annex 1 to the present resolution to reflect the experience gained;


.2 amendment to the Format and Guidelines for the maintenance of the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR), as set out in Annex 2 to the present resolution to reflect the amendments to SOLAS regulation XI-1/5;


2. DECIDES that the amendments to the annex to resolution A.959(23) set out in Annex 1 should enter into force on the date of adoption of the present resolution and those set out in Annex 2 should enter into force on 1 January 2009;


STRONGLY URGES Contracting Governments to the Convention to meet their obligations under SOLAS regulation XI-1/5 and resolution A.959(23) and, in particular, when a ship entitled to fly their flag is transferred to the flag of another Contracting Government to the Convention, to forward to it the Continuous Synopsis Record of the ship as soon as possible and within the time frame prescribed in resolution A.959(23), as amended, so as to enable the latter Government to promptly issue to the ship the required Continuous Synopsis Record;


INVITES Contracting Governments to the Convention to bring to its attention any difficulties encountered with the implementation of the provisions of SOLAS regulation XI-1/5 or of resolution A.959(23) as amended for consideration of the issues involved and decision on the actions to be taken.


Annex 1.

 (Resolution A.959(23))


Issue of revised and updated CSR documents by the Administration


1. The existing paragraph 8 is replaced by the following text:


"In the case of a change of flag, the previous flag State has to issue a new CSR document to the ship showing the date the ship ceased to be registered with that flag State. That flag State is required to send a copy of the ship’s CSR file, as soon as possible and preferably not later than one month from the date the ship ceased to be registered, to the new flag State. The new flag State is required to issue a new CSR document as soon as possible and not later than three months after the date of change of flag."


2. At the end of paragraph 9, the following new paragraph 9.1 is inserted:


"9.1 In instances where the previous flag State has not forwarded, within three months from the date of change of flag, the CSR file of the ship covering the period during which the ship was entitled to fly its flag, to the new flag State, then the new flag State should issue to the ship a CSR based on the CSR information received from onboard the ship. The sequential number to be allocated to the CSR document to be so issued should be the second sequential number after the last sequentially number shown on the CSR document found (i.e. leaving first sequential number unused). The new flag State should explain, in entry box 14, the reason for issuing the CSR document in such a manner."


Possibility of inconsistencies


3. At the end of paragraph 13, the following new paragraph 13.1 is inserted:


"13.1 When inspecting the CSR file of ships that have changed flag, those exercising control under SOLAS regulation I/19 or control and compliance measures under SOLAS regulation XI-2/9, should be guided by the provisions of sections 8, 9 and 9.1, as well as the Remarks shown in entry box 14 of the CSR document. In the circumstances referred to in section 9.1 the missing sequential number should be considered as constituting a deficiency against the previous flag State. Such a deficiency is due to the fact that the previous flag State did not forward the CSR file and thus failed to fulfil its obligations under SOLAS regulation XI-1/5."


4. The following new section is inserted after paragraph 13.1:


"The use of the "Remarks" entry box


14. The "Remarks" entry box should only be used by the flag State when encountering difficulties with the implementation of the provisions of SOLAS regulation XI-1/5 or of resolution A.959(23) as amended, such as in the case of bareboat registration and change of flag."



Form 1.


5. At the end of the form the following new entry box is inserted:



Remarks (insert relevant information as appropriate)



Form 2.


6. At the end of the form the following new entry box is inserted:



Remarks (insert relevant information as appropriate)




Annex 2.

(Resolution A.959(23))


Form 1.


1. After the existing entry box number 6 the following new entry box is inserted:



Registered owner identification number



2. The existing entry boxes numbers 7 and 8 are renumbered as 8 and 9.


3. After the existing box number 8, which is being renumbered as 9, the following new entry box is inserted:



Company identification number



4. The existing entry boxes numbers 9 to 14 are renumbered as 11 to 16.


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