MSC/Circ.1143 Guidelines on Early Assessment of Hull Damage and Possible Need for Abandonment of Bulk Carriers


Circular letter


(adopted on 7 December 2004)


1. The Maritime Safety Committee, at its seventy-sixth session (2 to 13 December 2002), considered recommendations for decision-making emanating from various formal safety assessment (FSA) studies on bulk carrier safety. In particular, the Committee agreed that a circular should be prepared addressing bulk carriers which may not withstand flooding of any one cargo hold and containing information on the action to be taken in case of flooding of such holds, making sure that the professional judgment of the master is not undermined.


2. The Committee, at its seventy-ninth session (1 — 10 December 2004), having considered the recommendations made by the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Equipment at its forty-sixth session, the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation at its forty-ninth session and the Sub-Committee on Standards of Training and Watch keeping at its thirty-fifth session, approved Guidelines on Early Assessment of Hull Damage and Possible Need for Abandonment of Bulk Carriers, as set out in the Annex.


3. Member Governments are invited to urge Companies, as de-fined in the ISM Code, that operate bulk carriers flying their flag to issue ship specific guidance, based on the annexed Guidelines, to the masters of such bulk carriers with a view to improving the precautionary measures and procedures for emergencies on board their ships.





1. Provoked by the disappearance and loss of a number of bulk carriers from mid 1970s onwards the international shipping community has grown increasingly concerned that such ships are particularly vulnerable to rapid loss. Consequently, IMO has been taking action over the years to address the problem and find appropriate solutions. Among such actions, the Organization has adopted amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention, by introducing chapter XII in 1997 (amended in 2002), and other related provisions in chapter II-1, and has also amended the Guidelines on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers (resolution A.744(18)) on several occasions. More recently, a number of formal safety assessment (FSA) studies on bulk carrier safety have been carried out. From these studies the Maritime Safety Committee of IMO concluded at its 76th session in December 2002 that bulk carriers do deserve continued special attention and a number of measures were approved to address the issues identified, both structural and operational.


2. Records of bulk carrier losses indicated, in a large proportion of the cases studied, that ship's masters often appeared to be unaware of the imminent danger they were in. Many lost their lives together with the other seafarers on board as a consequence. Ship losses were frequently so rapid that the ship did not have time to send a distress signal.


3. The records studied show that in the event of loss of hull integrity, in many cases, bulk carriers should be evacuated as quickly as possible. Early assessment of the situation is therefore imperative, combined with alerting a maritime rescue coordination centre, alerting all personnel onboard and making preparations for evacuation. This is of particular importance for single skin bulk carriers which may not be capable of withstanding flooding of any cargo hold.


4. Operators should consider the following advice carefully with a view to improving their own precautionary measures and procedures for emergencies. The advice applies equally to ships other than bulk carriers when carrying dense cargoes.


Heavy cargoes


5. In most cases in which bulk carriers have been lost, heavy cargoes such as iron and other dense ores are a common factor. Ships are also vulnerable when carrying certain break-bulk cargoes such as steel products. This could include other ship types. The small volume taken up by the cargo in the ships» holds results in a large unoccupied space. This provides potential in a flooding scenario for large volumes of water to rapidly destroy the ship's residual buoyancy and, in the case of smaller vessels, its stability. Larger vessels are also highly susceptible to structural failure due to increases of weights caused by the influx of water.


6. Heavy cargoes place high loads on the structure, and structural failure is therefore more probable when subjected to the additional forces associated with flooding.




7. Deterioration of structure through corrosion, fatigue and damage is identified as a principal factor in the loss of many bulk carriers. Failing to identify such deterioration may lead to sudden and unexpected failure. Bulk carrier crews may be un-aware of the vulnerability of these vessel types. The consequential loss of a ship carrying heavy cargo can be expected to be very rapid, should a major failure occur.


Forward flooding


8. Spaces forward of the collision bulkhead will, in the event of flooding, significantly affect the trim of the ship and reduce freeboard at the bow. In extreme weather this further threatens the ship as green seas come inboard and impact on hatch covers and other fittings that protect the water or weather tight integrity of the ship. Shell plating in the region of the bow protects the fore peak tank and other spaces as do air pipes and ventilators. If any of them are damaged the ship's ability to resist further escalation of flooding is compromised.


Causes of damage and failure


9. Damage to side shell, externally through contact with docksides or tugs and, internally from impact by cargo dislodging equipment during discharge, can result in initiating fractures and/or fatigue of the structure. In single side-skin bulk carriers, bulkheads, trunks and ballast tank boundaries, can present "hard spots» that concentrate forces where the change in construction occurs (e.g. longitudinal to transverse framing). This may lead to undetected fractures.


10. Internal degradation through corrosion may be accelerated through chemical action from certain cargoes. Welds in particular may be subject to "grooving» corrosion, in which the material forming the weld corrodes at a faster rate than the plating to which it is attached. Fatigue failure may result due to loss of cross-sectional area in the plating joints.


11. In ballast holds, sloshing forces due to partially filled spaces (such as may occur when changing ballast for environ-mental reasons) may result in damage to the structure. This damage may go unnoticed if it is in inaccessible positions. Sloshing is also a known cause of secondary damage after a space has become flooded.


12. Damage to bow plating such as is possible through impacts associated with swinging or loosely stowed anchors may cause an initiating fracture or fatigue in bow shell plating that could lead to failure and subsequent flooding. Internal integrity of forward spaces (that are usually used for ballast and/or stores) is therefore of vital importance. Corrosion degradation will seriously reduce the ability of plating and stiffening to withstand the forces to which it will be subjected. In larger ships, partially filled forepeak tanks may set up destructive sloshing forces un-less the tank structure is designed for this.


13. External forces — horizontal and/or vertical — may cause hatch cover dislodgement. The cargo hatchway, if it loses its protection in this way, is a major access for water ingress and a serious threat to the integrity of the hull.


Early assessment


14. When it occurs or is likely to occur, masters should quickly assess damage to their ships by being alert to water ingress and its consequences. The following guidelines are given to assist them in this assessment.


Unusual motion or attitude


15. If a ship takes on an unusual trim or heel, or if her motions become changed, breach of the hull envelope should be suspected immediately:


- Unusual collections of water on decks may be indicating trim or heel abnormality.


- Sudden changes of heel or trim will indicate flooding or in smaller ships with lighter cargoes it may indicate cargo shift.


— Jerky lateral motions can be indicative of large scale sloshing as would be the case if a hold were flooded.


— On smaller ships, slowing of the ship's roll period may indicate excessive water within the hull — a serious threat to stability. Ships fitted with GM meters should be able to identify any unexpected changes in GM.

— Increases of water boarding forward decks may indicate flooding of a forward compartment. Trim and freeboard changes are notoriously difficult to assess from an after bridge.


16. Methods of detection


— Hatch covers may be dislodged by pressure and/or sloshing from within a hold if flooding occurs through side shell or bulkhead.


— Sudden pressurisation of compartments adjoining those that are damaged or flooded will indicate failure of internal subdivision, most notably bulkheads.


— Spaces may be monitored, either using gauging or bilge/ water level alarms. Forward store spaces can also be monitored audibly using "talkback» telephones that may be fitted in forward spaces. Anchor impacts and water in the space can be detected using telephones of the type that remain active until switched off from the bridge.


— Hull Stress Monitors, where fitted, may be able to detect unexpected longitudinal hull girder bending. Torsional stresses may also be detected through differential changes between port and starboard strain gauges.


- Visual monitoring from the bridge using binoculars, where fitted, by closed circuit television, can give indication of abnormal water on deck and local damage. How-ever, assessment of trim or freeboard using this method is difficult.


— Assessment of trim changes can in certain conditions be detected by noting the level of the horizon, when visible, against a known reference point on the foremast.


— Draught and trim can be assessed using draught gauges. Changes are much more discernible using this method than by visual means from above decks.


Early readiness for evacuation


17. In the event of identifying or even suspecting that the ship may have sustained damage, ship's personnel should immediately be called to their emergency stations. A high priority should be placed on preparing equipment for evacuation. Abandonment should however only be invoked on the spoken orders of the master following assessment of the risk.


18. Contact with a Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre (MRCC)


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