MSC/Circ.1124 Adoption of Amendments to the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual


   Circular Letter 


(28 July 2004)


1. The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), at its seventy-eighth session (12 to 21 May 2004), having been informed that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) had approved the amendments to the IAMSAR Manual prepared by the Joint ICAO/IMO Working Group on Harmonization of Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue, and that they had been endorsed by the Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications and Search and Rescue (COMSAR) at its eighth session (16 to 20 February 2004), adopted the annexed amendments in accordance with the procedure laid down in resolution A.894(21).


2. The Committee decided that the amendments should enter into force on 1 July 2005.





 1. Abbreviations and Acronyms


- Instead of the word "Inmarsat" insert the abbreviation "IMSO".


- Insert the new line as follows:


"Inmarsat ... satellite communication service provider for the GMDSS".


- For the abbreviation "SART" after the word "rescue" insert the word "radar".


- For the abbreviation "TLX" instead of the word teletype include the word "telex".


- Delete the line "AMVER ... Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue".


 2. Glossary


- Delete the words "International Mobile Satellite Organization" and brackets around the word "Inmarsat".


- Replace the present definition of NAVTEX by "The system for the broadcast and automatic reception of maritime safety information by means of narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy".


- Replace the present definition of SafetyNET by "A service of Inmarsat enhanced group call (EGC) system specifically designed for promulgation of maritime safety information (MSI) as a part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)".


- Insert the new line as follows:


"Amver A world-wide ship reporting system for search and rescue."


 3. Chapter 2


- Insert new paragraphs 2.6.3 and 2.6.4, as follows:


 "Aircraft co-ordinator (ACO) joint training


2.6.3 The SAR management should provide ACO training between SRU crews from different organizations that might act as ACOs. The ACO training should improve understanding of the ACO role and increase confidence amongst the participating SRUs.


2.6.4 ACO training can consist of:


- Lessons from real life SAR missions;


- Legal documents;


- Duties of co-operating organizations;


- Performance characteristics of SRUs;


- Typical cases and methods;


- SMC - ACO role-playing; and


- Paper exercises."


 4. Chapter 4


- In paragraph 4.5.26, change "Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue (AMVER)" to "Amver" and change "AMVER" to "Amver".


 5. Appendix D


- Update address information, as given in appendix 1 to this annex.




 1. Abbreviations and Acronyms


- For the abbreviation "gt", instead of the word "ton", insert the word "tonnage".


- Instead of the word "Inmarsat" insert the abbreviation "IMSO".


- Insert the new line as follows:


"Inmarsat ... satellite communication service provider for the GMDSS".


- For the abbreviation "SART" after the word "rescue" insert the word "radar".


- Delete the line "AMVER ... Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue"


2. Glossary


- Delete the words "International Mobile Satellite Organization" and brackets around the word "Inmarsat".


- Replace the present definition of NAVTEX by "The system for the broadcast and automatic reception of maritime safety information by means of narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy".


- Replace the present definition of SafetyNET by "A service of Inmarsat enhanced group call (EGC) system specifically designed for promulgation of maritime safety information (MSI) as a part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)".


- Insert the new line as follows:


"Amver - A world-wide ship reporting system for search and rescue".


 3. Chapter 1


- Insert the new subparagraph 1.2.5 as follows:


"Airborne SRUs should make a standard joining entry report to the ACO when entering a search and rescue mission area, including:


- call sign;


- nationality;


- type (specify fixed wing or helicopter and type);


- position;


- altitude (on pressure setting used);


- ETA (at relevant point or search area);


- endurance on scene; and - remarks (specific equipment or limitations)".


- In paragraph 1.3.5, change Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue (AMVER) to "Amver".


- In paragraph 1.11.8, change "AMVER" to "Amver".


 4. Chapter 2


- In paragraph 2.18.5, change AMVER to "Amver".


 5. Chapter 6


- Insert new paragraph 6.17.7, as follows:


"6.17.7 SAR operations are conducted only for assisting persons who may be living. However, it is wise to consider the capabilities of existing Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) methods and procedures in the instance of a mass casualty accident.


The DVI operation is a criminal police and forensic science operation carried out according to national policies and legislation in accordance with standards established by INTERPOL. As it is not legally a part of the SAR operation, it is not co-ordinated or supervised by the RCCs.


DVI may be of significant assistance to SAR personnel in those instances where unidentified human remains are recovered in the course of a SAR case, particularly in those instances of multiple casualties. This will assist SAR personnel in accounting for the persons who are the subject of the SAR case, and to verify whether or not additional persons remain missing. This will facilitate closing the SAR case as expeditiously as possible.


SAR and DVI authorities should co-operate in dealing with the families of missing persons. DVI systems can usually be accessed through liaison with local or national police agencies. SAR personnel are encouraged to assist DVI authorities if that is possible based on other operational commitments and organization policies."


 6. Chapter 8


- Insert new section 8.9, as follows:


 "8.9 Incident Debriefings


8.9.1 Debriefings, feedback sessions and experience sharing opportunities between the crews of SAR facilities, SMCs and SCs are methods of quality control and continuous improvement to a SAR system. To benefit from this process, SAR authorities should establish a structured and systematic approach to debriefing. Of particular significance would be the following matters:


(a) extent of the debriefings (what experiences need to be shared);

(b) focus of the debriefing (strive to focus on the most important issues);

(c) level of participation at the debriefing;

(d) definition of participants needs; and

(e) process of information flow from the debriefing (normally from the bottom up).


Although each level of debriefing targets a specific audience, significant benefits can be derived from conducting simultaneous/joint debriefings in which all parties participate. It is important to note that improvements to a SAR system will not be obtained unless recommendations identified by debriefings are reviewed and implemented.


8.9.2 Types of debriefing can be grouped into three categories: operations, liaison and administration. Each category deals with specific segments of an operation that normally includes the following aspects:


(a) Operations:


- operations/response;

- co-ordination;

- communications;

- reporting;

- debriefing; and

- logs and documents.


(b) Liaison:


- participation in briefings/courses held by various SAR providers;

- seminars/workshops/working groups;

- RCC staff visits to sub-units/agencies/groups;

- joint exercises;

- visits to neighbouring countries; and

- participation in international events.


(c) Administration:


- command, communication and control structure;

- policy and regulations;

- personnel; and

- administrative support.


8.9.3 The following methods of debriefings could be used to assist SAR Authorities to improve their system:


(a) Situation Report (SITREP). As described in chapter 2, this method provides the quickest means to forward issues of concern to the responsible authorities;


(b) SAR Debrief (Search Operation Debriefing Form). As described in chapter 5, this debriefing form is intended to report actual actions and observations of SAR facilities after each tasking. It provides the opportunity to report areas of concern in a more formal way;


(c) SAR Mission Report. This method requires the primary rescue facilities to prepare a quick description of the tasks and actions taken (see Appendix H). This report would provide another avenue for responsible authorities to capture previously undisclosed issues of concern. Concerns may involve issues of broader scope not necessarily apparent at the time of the event;


(d) Formal Debriefing Session. This debriefing method could be initiated by a participating SAR facility, RCC, or a high-level authority and would normally involve an in-depth review of issues of concern. Attendance by representatives of all SAR-participating units would be highly desirable. Findings and proposed changes/amendments to local procedures would be validated and approved by those concerned and promulgated to the responsible authorities for implementation. There would be no requirement for a specific format as the results of this debriefing would be intended for internal use only (distributed among the various emergency service providers); and


(e) SAR Operation Report. This method of debriefing would be required after a significant SAR incident and/or when issues identified in the operation need to be addressed. The report would be prepared by the responsible authority in line with the process described in section 8.7. The report would be intended for a wider audience, which could include government departments, outside agencies, interested groups, owners and operators. Consequently, an established format would be needed to ensure adequacy and consistency of the reports (see Appendix H).


8.9.4 The beneficiaries of debriefings and those methods of debriefing best suited to them are described in the following table:



Recipients of Debrief

(Category of Debrief)













SAR Facilities





SAR managers


SAR co-ordinators





International Audiences








 7. Appendix H


- On page H-i, add followings:


SAR Mission Report Aircraft/Vessel .............. H-7

SAR Operation Report ............................ H-8


- Add appendix 2 of this annex to page H-7


- Add appendix 3 of this annex to page H-8


 8. Other Corrections


- Replace "poor" with "normal" where it refers to poor search conditions in the following provisions:



4.6.14 (2 places)

Footnote, pages 4-19

Data box, Figures 4-13

4.6.14 (a), (b)

4.6.16 (b), (c)

4.7.5 (b)(1), (2)

5.3.6 (3 places)

Page L-7, Line 17

Page L-10, item 5 (2 places)

Page L-17, items 7, 12 and 17

Page L-18, item 7

Page N-13 and following pages in Figures N-5, N-6, N-7, N-8, N-10, N-11, and N-12




 1. Abbreviations and Acronyms


- For the abbreviation "gt", instead of the word "ton", insert the word "tonnage".


- Instead of the word "Inmarsat" insert the abbreviation "IMSO".


- Insert the new line as follows:


"Inmarsat ... satellite communication service provider for the GMDSS."


- Delete the line "AMVER ... Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue."


- For the abbreviation "SART" after the word "rescue" insert the word "radar".


 2. Glossary


- Replace the existing text for "Inmarsat" and its definition as follows:


"Inmarsat - A system of geostationary satellites for world-wide mobile communication services and support of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System and other emergency communication systems."


- Replace the present definition of NAVTEX by "The system for the broadcast and automatic reception of maritime safety information by means of narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy".


- Replace the present definition of SafetyNET by "A service of Inmarsat enhanced group call (EGC) system specifically designed for promulgation of maritime safety information (MSI) as a part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)".


- Instead of "AMVER" insert the line as follows:


"Amver - A world-wide ship reporting system for search and rescue".


 3. Section 1


- On pages 1-4 and 1-5:


 change the section title "Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue (AMVER) System" to "Amver"; and


 change "AMVER" to "Amver" in these pages (4 places).


 4. Section 3


- On pages 3-5, insert new bold bullet after ACO Duties, as follows: ¦


 "Joining Entry Report


Airborne SRUs should make a standard joining entry report to the ACO when entering a search and rescue mission area, including:


call sign;




type (specify fixed wing or helicopter and type);




altitude (on pressure setting used);


ETA (at relevant point or search area);


endurance on scene; and


remarks (specific equipment or limitations)."


- On pages 3-34, at the end of SAR Briefing, Debriefing and Tasking, add the following new bullet:


"Masters and Pilots-in-command of SAR facilities not designated as search and rescue units should also be contacted by the SMC or OSC for debriefing."


 Appendix 1.
Information Sources





International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Director, Radiocommunications Bureau

Place des Nations

1211 Geneva 20





+ 41 22 730 51 11

+ 41 22 733 72 56

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

External Relations and Public Information Office

999 University Street




Quebec H3C 5H7





+ 1 (514) 954-8219


+ 1 (514) 954-6077; SITATEX: YULCAYA

Internet e-mail:

Internet home page:



International Maritime Organization (IMO)


Operational Safety Section


4 Albert Embankment


London SE1 7SR


United Kingdom



+ 44 (0) 207 735 7611


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