MSC/Circ.1045 Guidelines for Maintenance and Monitoring of On-Board Materials Containing Asbestos


Circular Letter MSC/Circ.1045


(adopted on 21 May 2002)


1. The Maritime Safety Committee, at its seventy-fifth session (15 to 24 May 2002), approved Guidelines for maintenance and monitoring of on-board materials containing asbestos, as set out in they Annex.


2. The guidelines are intended to provide guidance to Adminis­trations, companies, seafarers and others closely involved with the operation of ships on how to deal with asbestos on board ships in service, with the principal objective of minimising ex­posure to asbestos fibres of passengers, crew, riding crews, maintenance personnel in port, etc., while the ship is in service.


3. Member Governments are invited to use the annexed Guide­lines when dealing with asbestos on board ships in service. Member Governments are also invited to bring the Guidelines to the attention of all parties concerned, in particular compa­nies, seafarers, ship operators and ship repairers.





1. Introduction


1.1 These guidelines aim at providing guidance to Administra­tions, Companies as defined in SOLAS regulation IX/1, seafar­ers and others closely involved with the operation of ships on how to deal with asbestos on board ships in service.


1.2 They do not intend to address other aspects of asbestos that are already covered by the work of other international orga­nizations (contact details of International Labour Organization (ILO) and World Health Organization (WHO) are indicated in Annex 2).


2. Scope of application


2.1 These guidelines do not apply to ships which have asbestos aboard as allowed by SOLAS regulations II-1/3-5.2.1, 3-5.2.2 and 3-5.2.3.


2.2 The purpose of the guidelines is to set up a maintenance and monitoring programme with the principal objective of mini­mising exposure to asbestos fibres of anyone on board passen­gers, crew, riding crews, maintenance personnel in port) while the ship is "in service" (i.e., as opposed to when the ship is in a repair or dry-dock status with minimal crew members or only shore side personnel on board).


2.3 The present guidelines address the following three situa­tions:


.1 general exposure of crew/passengers to asbestos which may be present on the ship;


.2 more direct exposure of crew members working in areas where there is reasonable likelihood that asbestos is -or asbestos fibres are - present; and


.3 specific exposure of crewmembers and other workers when they are maintaining or repairing equipment or systems known to contain asbestos-based insulated ma­terials.


2.4 Planned repairs or removal of such materials should be carried out by specialist personnel and not normally by crew. In cases where the crew is involved in urgent repair work at sea, special measures should be observed as listed in Annex 1. Proce­dures should be developed for the safe retention of any waste as­bestos on board the ship before it can be transferred and dis­posed of ashore.


2.5 The provisions of these guidelines do not apply to any war­ship, naval auxiliary, or other ships owned or operated by a State and used, for the time being, only on government non-commercial service. However, each State should ensure, by the adoption of appropriate measures not impairing operations or operational capabilities of such ships owned or operated by it, that such ships act in a manner consistent, so far as is rea­sonable and practicable, with these guidelines.


3. General provision


The Company should make provisions, including the nomi­nation of a responsible person to control the maintenance and monitoring program for asbestos, in their Safety Management System (developed for compliance with the ISM Code) for the maintenance and monitoring of on board materials containing asbestos in line with the provisions of the present guidelines.


4. Inventory and condition assessment of asbestos-containing materials


4.1 The Company should have an initial ship inspection per­formed by a qualified professional to investigate the possible presence of asbestos-containing materials on board the ship and, if any are identified, to locate them and assess their condi­tion. The inspection should serve as the basis for establishing an effective maintenance and monitoring programme for dealing with the asbestos in the ship.


4.2 In the case of flake coatings, lagging or false ceilings con­taining asbestos, their condition should be assessed by complet­ing the evaluation checklist shown in appendix 1, which takes into account, in particular, the accessibility of the materials and products, their degree of degradation, their exposure to shocks and vibration and the presence of air currents in the area. Air sampling of dust measurement may be used as one tool to help provide a more complete assessment of the ambient conditions on board. The evaluation form contained in appendix 2 should be used to make the diagnosis on the state of conservation of these materials.


5. Maintenance and monitoring programme


5.1 If asbestos-containing material is located, a maintenance and monitoring programme should be developed for that ship, based on the inspection and assessment data. The programme should be implemented and managed conscientiously and in­clude the elements contained in Annex 1.


5.2 In the case of flake coatings, lagging or false ceilings con­taining asbestos, depending on the diagnosis of paragraph 4.2, the Company should establish appropriate thresholds and time-scales for undertaking any necessary repairs or abatement, tak­ing into account any national regulations.


6. Abatement actions, planned repair and removal of asbestos-containing materials


6.1 Abatement actions should be selected and implemented when necessary. In some instances, due to the condition of as­bestos-containing materials or upcoming ship repairs or modifi­cations, a Company may decide to take other abatement actions to deal with asbestos-containing materials in the ship. These re­sponse actions could include: encapsulation (covering the asbes­tos-containing materials with a sealant to prevent fibre release), enclosure (placing an air-tight barrier around the asbes­tos-containing materials), encasement (covering the asbes­tos-containing materials with a hard-setting sealing material), or repair or removal of the asbestos-containing materials. Qual­ified, trained and experienced contractors should be used for any of these actions. The Company should be aware of any na­tional and local regulations that pertain to abatement actions to deal with asbestos-containing materials.


6.2 In the event of works requiring the removal of asbes­tos-containing materials, they should be unloaded from the ship. On completion of the work, and before any restoration of the spaces, the Company should carry out dust measurement af­ter dismantling the enclosing mechanism. If the work does not result in the total removal of the materials and products listed in these guidelines, the Company should carry out regular sur­veillance of the asbestos-containing materials at intervals identi­fied by the Company as being appropriate, but not exceeding 3 years.


Annex 1.



A successful maintenance and monitoring programme should include the following elements.


1. Notification


A programme through which all those affected will be in­formed where asbestos-containing material is located, and how and why to avoid disturbing the asbestos-containing material.


2. Surveillance


Regular surveillance of asbestos-containing material to note, assess, and document any changes in the condition of the asbestos-containing material.


3. Controls


The maintenance and monitoring programme should in­clude a system to control all work that could disturb asbestos-containing material.


4. Work practices


A maintenance and monitoring programme should focus on a special set of work practices. The nature and extent of any special work practices should be tailored to the likelihood that the asbestos-containing material will be disturbed and that fibres will be released. In general, four broad categories of work practices are recognised:


.1 protection programmes to ensure crew members are ad­equately protected from asbestos exposure during nor­mal maintenance;


.2 basic operations and maintenance procedures to mini­mise and/or contain asbestos fibres;


.3 special operations and maintenance cleaning techniques to clean up asbestos fibres on a routine basis; and


.4 procedures for use during incidents of asbestos fibre re­lease episodes to minimise the spread throughout the ship.


In the latter case, the procedures to be followed will vary according to the site of the major release episode, the amount of asbestos-containing material affected, the extent of fibre release from the asbestos-containing material, the relationship of the asbestos-containing material to the air handling systems, and whether the release site is accessible to passengers and crew.


5. Record keeping


All ship asbestos management documents should be stored in permanent files. In addition, for crew members en­gaged in asbestos-related work there may be national regulations that require employers to retain medical records, health records, and personal air sampling records for each crew member, and provision should be made to comply with such regulations.


6. Training


Training of maintenance personnel is one of the keys to a successful maintenance and monitoring programme. Inadequate training of personnel may result in asbestos operations and maintenance tasks not being performed properly, possibly lead­ing to higher than necessary levels of asbestos fibres in the air and an increased risk being faced by crew members and passen­gers. The level of training may vary from:


.1 awareness training for personnel involved in activities where asbestos-containing materials may be accidentally disturbed;


.2 special operations and maintenance training for person­nel involved in general maintenance and incidental re­pair tasks involving asbestos-containing material; and


.3 abatement worker training for workers who may con­duct asbestos abatement. This level of work should not normally be expected of ship's crew members.


Appendix 1.


(to be completed for each compartment)


Name of ship


Date of check




Stated destination of compartment



Depending on diagnosis (see Appendix 2)


Periodic check of state of conservation of materials


Monitoring of dust levels




Characteristics of protection






As indicated in Appendix 2







Condition of surface and degradation

State of degradation

Condition of surface and degradation

Material in poor condi­tion or material un­stuck


Material coated or uncoated with local deg­radation


Material uncoated nonimpregnated in good condition


Core impregnation in good condition or surface coating in good condition

Lagging in poor condi­tion


Lagging with local deg­radation


Lagging in good condition

Product in poor condition


Product with local degradation


Product in good condition

Reported protection of the material


Physical protection non-watertight

No physical protection


Exposure of product to air currents

(including, depending on the situation plenum, false ceiling, etc.)





Exposure of product to shocks and vibrations







Appendix 2.




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