MSC/Circ.1015 Reporting Near Misses


Circular Letter MSC/Circ.1015


(adopted on 8 June 2001)


1. The Maritime Safety Committee at its seventy-fourth session (30 May to 8 June 2001), considered the issue of reporting near misses and how to promote a no-blame culture.


2. The Committee noted that in order to promote a no-blame culture, it would be necessary to encourage reporting of near misses, so that remedial measures can be taken to avoid recurrences.


3. Member Governments, are in order to promote a no-blame culture, invited to:


.1 review their regulatory and safety regime with a view to encouraging the reporting of near misses without fear of reprisal or punitive action;


.2 urge companies operating ships under their flag not to penalize persons reporting near misses; and


.3 urge companies operating ships under their flags to implement procedures by which persons should only report near misses to the designated person or persons and the designated person or persons should only pass on such reports in an anonymous form.



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