MSC.205(81) Adoption of Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code


Resolution MSC.205(81)


(adopted on 18 May 2006)




RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,


NOTING resolution MSC.122(75) by which it adopted the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (hereinafter referred to as "the IMDG Code"), which has become mandatory under chapter VII of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention"),


NOTING ALSO article VIII(b) and regulation VII/1.1 of the Convention concerning the amendment procedure for amending the IMDG Code,


HAVING CONSIDERED, at its eighty-first session, amendments to the IMDG Code, proposed and circulated in accordance with article VIII(b)(i) of the Convention,


1. ADOPTS, in accordance with article VIII(b)(iv) of the Convention, amendments to the IMDG Code, the text of which is set out in the Annex to the present resolution;


2. DETERMINES, in accordance with article VIII(b)(vi)(2)(bb) of the Convention, that the said amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on 1 July 2007, unless, prior to that date, more than one third of the Contracting Governments to the Convention or Contracting Governments the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 50% of the gross tonnage of the world’ s merchant fleet, have notified their objections to the amendments;


3. INVITES Contracting Governments to the Convention to note that, in accordance with article VIII(b)(vii)(2) of the Convention, the amendments shall enter into force on 1 January 2008 upon their acceptance in accordance with paragraph 2 above;


4. AGREES that Contracting Governments to the Convention may apply the aforementioned amendments in whole or in part on a voluntary basis as from 1 January 2007;


5. REQUESTS the Secretary-General, in conformity with article VIII(b)(v) of the Convention, to transmit certified copies of the present resolution and the text of the amendments contained in the Annex to all Contracting Governments to the Convention;


6. FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary-General to transmit copies of this resolution and its Annex to Members of the Organization, which are not Contracting Governments to the Convention.





Chapter 1.1 Insert the following new first sentence "Doses to persons shall be below the relevant dose limits".


At the end of the second sentence, replace: "and doses to persons shall be below the relevant dose limits", with "within the restriction that the doses to individuals be subject to dose constraints.". Replace "the radiation hazards involved and" with "radiation protection including".


Replace "to ensure restriction of their exposure and that" with "to restrict their occupational exposure and the exposure". In the French version, replace "dose effective" with "dose efficace". Delete indent .1 and renumber .2 and .3 as .1 and .2. Insert "of radioactive material" after "which consignments". Delete "applicable to radioactive material" at the end. Delete "international", in the last sentence.


Chapter 1.2


1.2.1 In the definition of "Elevated temperature substance", amend "61°C" to read "60°C". In the definition of "Remanufactured IBCs", amend "" to read "".


1.2.3 Add the following abbreviations in alphabetical order:


"ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959, United States of America);"


"CGA - Compressed Gas Association (CGA, 4221 Walney Road, 5th Floor, Chantilly VA 20151-2923, United States of America);"


"EN - (standard) means a European standard published by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) (CEN – 36 rue de Stassart, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium);"


"IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, P.O. Box 100 – A -1400 Vienna, Austria);"


"ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO, 999 University Street, Montreal, Quebec H3C 5H7, Canada);"


"IMO - International Maritime Organization (IMO, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom);"


"ISO - (standard) an international standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO - 1, rue de Varembe, CH-1204 Geneva 20, Switzerland);"


"UNECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE, Palais des Nations, 8-14 avenue de la Paix, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland);"


and delete the current abbreviations and text against IAEA, IMO, ISO and UN ECE and provide addresses of other organizations.


Chapter 1.4 For class 6.2, insert "(UN Nos. 2814 and 2900)" after "Category A". For class 7, replace "type B or type C" with "Type B(U) or Type B(M) or Type C". Delete the last paragraph. Add a new paragraph after to read as follows:


" For radioactive material, the provisions of this chapter are deemed to be complied with when the provisions of the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and of IAEA INFCIRC/225 (Rev.4) are applied".




Chapter 2.1 Amend "" to read "". Insert the following new paragraphs:


" Assignment of fireworks to hazard divisions Fireworks shall normally be assigned to hazard divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 on the basis of test data derived from Test Series 6 of the United Nations Manual of Test and Criteria. However, since the range of such articles is very extensive and the availability of test facilities may be limited, assignment to hazard divisions may also be made in accordance with the procedure in Assignment of fireworks to UN Nos.0333, 0334, 0335 or 0336 may be made on the basis of analogy, without the need for Test Series 6 testing, in accordance with the default fireworks classification table in Such assignment shall be made with the agreement of the competent authority. Items not specified in the table shall be classified on the basis of test data derived from Test Series 6 of the United Nations Manual of Test and Criteria.


NOTE: The addition of other types of fireworks to column 1 of the table in shall only be made on the basis of full test data submitted to the UN Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods for consideration. Where fireworks of more than one hazard division are packed in the same package they shall be classified on the basis of the highest hazard division unless test data derived from Test Series 6 of the United Nations Manual of Test and Criteria indicate otherwise. The classification shown in the table in applies only for articles packed in fibreboard boxes (4G). Default fireworks classification table*



* This table contains a list of firework classifications that may be used in the absence of Test Series 6, of the United Nations Manual of Test and Criteria, data (see


NOTE 1: References to percentages in the table, unless otherwise stated, are to the mass of all pyrotechnic composition (e.g., rocket motors, lifting charge, bursting charge and effect charge).


NOTE 2: "Flash composition" in this table refers to pyrotechnic compositions containing an oxidizing substance, or black powder, and a metal powder fuel that are used to produce an aural report effect or used as a bursting charge in fireworks devices.


NOTE 3: Dimensions in mm refers to:


- for spherical and peanut shells the diameter of the sphere of the shell;


- for cylinder shells the length of the shell;


- for a shell in mortar, Roman candle, shot tube firework or mine the inside diameter of the tube comprising or containing the firework;


- for a bag mine or cylinder mine, the inside diameter of the mortar intended to contain the mine.



Includes: / Synonym:




Shell, spherical or cylindrical

Spherical display shell: aerial shell, colour shell, dye shell, multi-break shell, multi-effect shell, nautical shell, parachute shell, smoke shell, star shell; report shell: maroon, salute, sound shell, thunderclap, aerial shell kit

Device with or without propellant charge, with delay fuse and bursting charge, pyrotechnic unit(s) or loose pyrotechnic composition and designed to be projected from a mortar

All report shells


Colour shell: ≥ 180 mm


Colour shell: < 180 mm with > 25% flash composition, as loose powder and/ or report effects


Colour shell: < 180 mm with ≤ 25% flash composition, as loose powder and/ or report effects


Colour shell: ≤ 50 mm, or ≤ 60 g pyrotechnic composition, with ≤ 2% flash composition as loose powder and/ or report effects


Peanut shell

Device with two or more spherical aerial shells in a common wrapper propelled by the same propellant charge with separate external delay fuses

The most hazardous spherical aerial shell determines the classification

Preloaded mortar, shell in mortar

Assembly comprising a spherical or cylindrical shell inside a mortar from which the shell is designed to be projected

All report shells


Colour shell: ≥ 180 mm


Colour shell: > 50 mm and < 180 mm


Colour shell: ≤ 50 mm, or < 60 g pyrotechnic composition, with ≤ 25% flash composition as loose powder and/ or report effects




Includes: / Synonym:




Shell, spherical or cylindrical (cont’d)

Shell of shells (spherical) (Reference to percentages for shell of shells are to the gross mass of the fireworks article)

Device without propellant charge, with delay fuse and bursting charge, containing report shells and inert materials and designed to be projected from a mortar

> 120 mm




Device without propellant charge, with delay fuse and bursting charge, containing report shells ≤ 25g flash composition per report unit, with ≤ 33% flash composition and ≥ 60% inert materials and designed to be projected from a mortar

≤ 120 mm




Device without propellant charge, with delay fuse and bursting charge, containing colour shells and/or pyrotechnic units and designed to be projected from a mortar

> 300 mm




Device without propellant charge, with delay fuse and bursting charge, containing colour shells ≤ 70mm and/or pyrotechnic units, with ≤ 25% flash composition and ≤ 60% pyrotechnic composition and designed to be projected from a mortar

> 200 mm and ≤ 300 mm




Device with propellant charge, with delay fuse and bursting charge, containing colour shells ≤ 70 mm and/or pyrotechnic units, with ≤ 25% flash composition and ≤ 60% pyrotechnic composition and designed to be projected from a mortar

≤ 200 mm


Battery/ combination

Barrage, bombardos, cakes, finale box, flowerbed, hybrid, multiple tubes, shell cakes, banger batteries, flash banger batteries

Assembly including several elements either containing the same type or several types each corresponding to one of the types of fireworks listed in this table, with one or two points of ignition

The most hazardous firework type determines the classification




Includes: / Synonym:




Roman candle

Exhibition candle, candle, bombettes

Tube containing a series of pyrotechnic units consisting of alternate pyrotechnic composition, propellant charge, and transmitting fuse

≥ 50 mm inner diameter, containing flash composition, or <50 mm with >25% flash composition





≥ 50 mm inner diameter, containing no flash composition





< 50 mm inner diameter and ≤25% flash composition





≤ 30 mm inner diameter, each pyrotechnic unit ≤ 25 g and ≤ 5% flash composition


Shot tube

Single shot Roman candle, small preloaded mortar

Tube containing a pyrotechnic unit consisting of pyrotechnic composition, propellant charge with or without transmitting fuse

≤ 30 mm inner diameter and pyrotechnic unit > 25 g, or > 5% and ≤ 25% flash composition





≤ 30 mm inner diameter, pyrotechnic unit ≤ 25 g and ≤ 5% flash composition



Avalanche rocket, signal rocket, whistling rocket, bottle rocket, sky rocket, missile type rocket, table rocket

Tube containing pyrotechnic composition and/or pyrotechnic units, equipped with stick(s) or other means for stabilization of flight, and designed to be propelled into the air

Flash composition effects only


Flash composition > 25% of the pyrotechnic composition


> 20 g pyrotechnic composition and flash composition ≤ 25 %


≤ 20 g pyrotechnic composition, black powder bursting charge and ≤ 0.13 g flash composition per report and ≤ 1 g in total





Includes: / Synonym:





Pot-au-feu, ground mine, bag mine, cylinder mine

Tube containing propellant charge and pyrotechnic units and designed to be placed

> 25% flash composition, as loose powder and/ or report effects




on the ground or to be fixed in the ground. The principal effect is ejection of all the pyrotechnic units in a single burst producing a widely dispersed visual and/or aural effect in

≥ 180 mm and ≤ 25% flash composition, as loose powder and/ or report effects




the air or: Cloth or paper bag or cloth or paper cylinder containing propellant charge and pyrotechnic

< 180 mm and ≤ 25% flash composition, as loose powder and/ or report effects




units, designed to be placed in a mortar and to function as a mine

≤ 150 g pyrotechnic composition, containing ≤ 5% flash composition as loose powder and/ or report effects. Each pyrotechnic unit ≤ 25 g, each report effect < 2g ; each whistle, if any, ≤ 3 g



Volcanos, gerbs, showers, lances,

Non-metallic case containing pressed or

≥ 1 kg pyrotechnic composition



Bengal fire, flitter sparkle, cylindrical fountains, cone fountains, illuminating torch

consolidated pyrotechnic composition producing sparks and flame

< 1 kg pyrotechnic composition



Handheld sparklers, non-handheld sparklers, wire sparklers

Rigid wire partially coated (along one end) with slow burning pyrotechnic composition

Perchlorate based sparklers: > 5 g per item or > 10 items per pack




with or without an ignition tip

Perchlorate based sparklers: ≤ 5 g per item and ≤ 10 items per pack; Nitrate based sparklers: ≤ 30 g per item


Bengal stick

Dipped stick

Non-metallic stick partially coated (along one end) with slow-burning pyrotechnic

Perchlorate based items: > 5 g per item or > 10 items per pack





Includes: / Synonym:






composition and designed to be held in the hand

Perchlorate based items: ≤5 g per item and ≤ 10 items per pack; nitrate based items: ≤ 30 g per item


Low hazard fireworks and novelties

Table bombs, throwdowns, crackling granules, smokes, fog, snakes, glow worm, serpents, snaps, party poppers

Device designed to produce very limited visible and/ or audible effect which contains small amounts of pyrotechnic and/ or explosive composition

Throwdowns and snaps may contain up to 1.6 mg of silver fulminate; snaps and party poppers may contain up to 16 mg of potassium chlorate/ red phosphorous mixture; other articles may contain up to 5 g of pyrotechnic composition, but no flash composition



Aerial spinner, helicopter, chaser, ground spinner

Non-metallic tube or tubes containing gas- or spark-producing pyrotechnic composition, with or without noise producing composition, with or without aerofoils attached

Pyrotechnic composition per item > 20 g, containing ≤ 3% flash composition as report effects, or whistle composition ≤ 5 g





Pyrotechnic composition per item ≤ 20 g, containing ≤ 3% flash composition as report effects, or whistle composition ≤ 5 g



Catherine wheels, Saxon

Assembly including drivers containing pyrotechnic composition and provided with a means of attaching it to a support so that it can rotate

≥ 1 kg total pyrotechnic composition, no report effect, each whistle (if any) ≤ 25 g and ≤ 50 g whistle composition per wheel


< 1 kg total pyrotechnic composition, no report effect, each whistle (if any) ≤ 5 g and ≤ 10 g whistle composition per wheel





Includes: / Synonym:




Aerial wheel

Flying Saxon, UFO’s, rising crown

Tubes containing propellant charges and sparks- flame- and/ or noise producing pyrotechnic compositions, the tubes being fixed to a supporting ring

> 200 g total pyrotechnic composition or > 60 g pyrotechnic composition per driver, ≤ 3% flash composition as report effects, each whistle (if any) ≤ 25 g and ≤ 50 g whistle composition per wheel





≤ 200 g total pyrotechnic composition and ≤ 60 g pyrotechnic composition per driver, ≤ 3% flash composition as report effects, each whistle (if any) ≤ 5 g and ≤ 10 g whistle composition per wheel


Selection pack

Display selection box, display selection pack, garden selection box, indoor selection box; assortment

A pack of more than one type each corresponding to one of the types of fireworks listed in this table

The most hazardous firework type determines the classification


Celebration cracker, celebration roll, string cracker

Assembly of tubes (paper or cardboard) linked by a pyrotechnic fuse, each tube intended to produce an aural effect

Each tube ≤ 140 mg of flash composition or ≤ 1 g black powder



Salute, flash banger, lady cracker

Non-metallic tube containing report composition intended to produce an aural effect

> 2 g flash composition per item


≤ 2 g flash composition per item and ≤ 10 g per inner packaging


≤ 1 g flash composition per item and ≤ 10 g per inner packaging or ≤ 10 g black powder per item




Chapter 2.2 Delete "are transported at a pressure not less than 280 kPa at 20°C, or as refrigerated liquids, and which". Add a new paragraph to read as follows:


" Gases of class 2.2, other than refrigerated liquefied gases, are not subject to the provisions of this Code if they are transported at an absolute pressure less than 280 kPa at 20°C.".


Chapter 2.3 Amend "61°C" to read "60°C". First indent; amend "61°C" to read "60°C". In the hazard grouping based on flammability table, amend "61" to read "60".


Chapter 2.4 Amend to read as follows:


".2 they are oxidizing substances according to the classification procedure for class 5.1 (see 2.5.2) except that mixtures of oxidizing substances which contain 5.0% or more of combustible organic substances shall be subjected to the classification procedure defined in Note 3;".


Add a new NOTE 3 to read as follows:


"NOTE 3: Mixtures of oxidizing substances meeting the criteria of class 5.1 which contain 5.0% or more of combustible organic substances, which do not

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