MSC.188(79) Performance Standards For Water Level Detectors on Bulk Carriers and Single Hold Cargo Ships Other Than Bulk Carriers

Superseded by MSC.188(79)/Rev.1

Resolution MSC.188(79)


(adopted on 3 December 2004)




RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,


RECALLING ALSO that, at its seventy-sixth session, it adopted amendments to chapter XII of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, inter alia, by introducing new regulation 12 requiring the installation of water level detectors for hold, ballast and dry spaces, which entered into force on 1 July 2004,


RECALLING FURTHER that, at its seventy-ninth session, it approved proposed amendments to chapter II-1 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, introducing new regulation 23-3 requiring the installation of water level detectors on single hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers,


BEARING IN MIND that the above-mentioned proposed amendments are expected to be adopted at its eightieth session in May 2005 and to enter into force on a date to be determined at that session, unless, prior to that date, specified conditions with regard to objections to the amendments are met,


RECOGNIZING that performance standards against which the operation and efficiency of water level detectors can be measured should be made available in good time before the above entry-into-force date,


RECOGNIZING ALSO the need to ensure that the required water level detectors operate reliably and that, to that extent, they are appropriately tested and installed,


HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations made by the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Equipment at its forty-sixth and forty-seventh sessions,


1. ADOPTS the Performance standards for water level detectors on bulk carriers and single hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers and the appended Guidelines on installation and testing of water level detection systems for bulk carriers and single hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers, as set out in the Annex to the present resolution;


2. URGES Governments to ensure that the annexed Performance standards and appended Guidelines are applied when water level detectors are installed on bulk carriers and single hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers flying their flags, in compliance with SOLAS regulation XII/12 and the afore-mentioned SOLAS regulation II-1/23-3, as appropriate;


3. REVOKES resolution MSC.145(77).








These standards provide technical functional requirements for water level detection and alarm arrangements installed in bulk carriers for compliance with SOLAS regulation XII/12 or in single hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers for compliance with SOLAS regulation II-1/23-3*.


*Refer to the third, fourth and fifth preambular paragraphs of the covering MSC resolution.




2.1 Water level detector means a system comprising sensors and indication devices that detect and warn of water ingress in cargo holds and other spaces as required in SOLAS regulations XII/12.1 or II-1/23-3.


2.2 Sensor means a unit fitted at the location being monitored that activates a signal to identify the presence of water at the location.


2.3 Pre-alarm level means the lower level at which the sensor(s) in the cargo hold space will operate.


2.4 Main alarm level means the higher level at which the sensor(s) in the cargo hold space will operate or the sole level in spaces other than cargo holds to which the requirements of SOLAS regulations XII/12 or II-1/23-3 apply.


2.5 Visual indication means indication by activation of a light or other device that is visible to the human eye in all levels of light or dark at the location where it is situated.


2.6 Audible indication means an audible signal that is detectable at the location where it is signalled.




3.1 Means of detecting the water level


3.1.1 The method of detecting the water level may be by direct or indirect means as defined below:


.1 A direct means of detection determines the presence of water by physical contact of the water with the detection device.


.2 Indirect means of detection include devices without physical contact with the water.


3.1.2 The sensors should be capable of being located, in the case of single hold cargo ships complying with SOLAS regulation II-1/23-3, in the aft part of the hold or above its lowest point in such ships having an inner bottom not parallel to the designed waterline, or, in the case of bulk carriers complying with SOLAS regulation XII/12, in the aft part of each cargo hold or in the lowest part of the spaces other than cargo holds to which that regulation applies.


3.1.3 The systems of detecting the water level should be capable of continuous operation while the ship is at sea.


3.2 Detector system requirements


3.2.1 Detector systems should provide a reliable indication of water reaching a preset level. 3.2.2 The system should be capable of the following:


For cargo holds:


.1 An alarm, both visual and audible, activated when the depth of water at the sensor reaches the pre-alarm level in the space being monitored. The indication should identify the space.


.2 An alarm, both visual and audible, activated when the level of water at the sensor reaches the main alarm level, indicating increasing water level in a cargo hold. The indication should identify the space and the audible alarm should not be the same as that for the pre-alarm level.


For compartments other than cargo holds:


.3 An alarm, both visual and audible, indicating the presence of water in a compartment other than a cargo hold when the level of water in the space being monitored reaches the sensor. The visual and audible characteristics of the alarm indication should be the same as those for the main alarm level in a hold space.


3.2.3 Detection equipment should be suitably corrosion resistant for all intended cargoes.


3.2.4 The detector indicating the water level should be capable of activating to an accuracy of ±100 mm.


3.2.5 The part of the system which has circuitry in the cargo area should be intrinsically safe.


3.3 Alarm system requirements


3.3.1 The visual and audible alarms should be suitable for location on the navigation bridge*.


* Reference is made to the requirements of SOLAS regulations V/17 and V/18.


3.3.2 Visual and audible alarms should conform to the Code on Alarms and Indicators, 1995, as may be amended, as applicable to a primary alarm for the preservation or safety of the ship.


3.3.3 The visual and audible alarms should be capable of the following:


.1 Visual indication using a light of a distinct colour, or digital display that is clearly visible in all expected light levels, which does not seriously interfere with other activities necessary for the safe operation of the ship. The visual indication should be capable of remaining visible until the condition activating it has returned below the level of the relevant sensor. The visual indication should not be capable of being extinguished by the operator.


.2 In conjunction with the visual indication for the same sensor, the system should be capable of providing audible indication and alarms in the space in which the indicator is situated. The audible indication should be capable of being muted by the operator.


3.3.4 Time delays may be incorporated into the alarm system to prevent spurious alarms due to sloshing effects associated with ship motions.


3.3.5 The system may be provided with a capability of overriding indication and alarms for the detection systems installed only in tanks and holds that have been designed for carriage of water ballast (SOLAS regulation XII/12.1).


3.3.6 An override visual indication capability should be provided throughout deactivation of the water level detector for the holds or tanks referred to in 3.3.5 above. Where such an override capability is provided, cancellation of the override condition and reactivation of the alarm should automatically occur after the hold or tank has been de-ballasted to a level below the lowest alarm indicator level.


3.3.7 Requirements for malfunctions, alarms and indications should include a facility for continuous monitoring of the system which, on detecting a fault, activates a visual and audible alarm. The audible alarm should be capable of being muted, but the visual indication should remain active until the malfunction is cleared.


3.3.8 The water level detector system should be capable of being supplied with electrical power from two independent electrical supplies. Failure of the primary electrical power supply should be indicated by an alarm.


3.4 Testing


3.4.1 Water level detector systems should be type tested to demonstrate their robustness and suitability under the appropriate internationally recognized conditions* .


*With regard to testing, reference is made to IEC 60092-504 and IEC 60529. Electrical components installed in cargo holds, ballast tanks and dry spaces should satisfy the requirements of IP68 in accordance with IEC 60529.


3.4.2 Detectors serving a cargo hold should be capable of being functionally tested, in situ, when the hold is empty using either direct or indirect methods.


3.5 Manuals


Documented operating and maintenance procedures for the water level detection system should be kept on board and be readily accessible.




Guidelines on installation and testing of water level detection systems for bulk carriers and single hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers are set out in the appendix.







These Guidelines provide procedures for installation and testing of water level detection and alarm systems installed in bulk carriers for compliance with SOLAS regulation XII/12 and in single hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers for compliance with SOLAS regulation II-1/23-3*.


*Refer to the third, fourth and fifth preambular paragraphs of the covering MSC resolution.




2.1 Detector equipment type test requirements


2.1.1 Detector equipment should provide a reliable indication of water reaching a preset level and should be type tested to demonstrate their robustness and suitability under the appropriate conditions of IEC 60092-504 and the following:


.1 Protection of the enclosures of electrical components installed in the cargo holds, ballast tanks and dry spaces should satisfy the requirements of IP68 in accordance with IEC 60529. The water pressure testing of the enclosure should be based on a pressure head held for a period depending on the application. For detectors to be fitted in holds intended for the carriage of water ballast or ballast tanks the application head should be the hold or tank depth and the hold period should be 20 days. For detectors to be fitted in spaces intended to be dry the application head should be the depth of the space and the hold period should be 24 h.


.2 Operation in cargo/water mixture for a selected range of cargo groups such as iron ore dust, coal dust, grains and oils using seawater with a suspension of representative fine material for each cargo group. For type test purposes an agitated suspension of representative fine materials in seawater, with a concentration of 50% by weight, should be used with the complete detector assembly including any filtration fitted. The functioning of the detection assembly with any filtration arrangements should be verified in the cargo/water mixture with immersion repeated ten times without cleaning any filtration arrangements.


2.1.2 Protection of the enclosures of electrical equipment installed above ballast and cargo spaces should satisfy the requirements of IP56 in accordance with IEC 60529.


2.2 Detector equipment installation requirements


2.2.1 The sensors should be located in a protected position that is in communication with the specified part of the cargo hold (usually the aft part) such that the position of the sensor detects the level that is representative of the levels in the actual hold space. These sensors should be located:


.1 either as close to the centreline as practicable, or


.2 at both the port and starboard sides of the cargo hold.


2.2.2 The detector installation should not inhibit the use of any sounding pipe or other water level gauging device for cargo holds or other spaces.


2.2.3 Detectors and equipment should be installed where they are accessible for survey, maintenance and repair.


2.2.4 Any filter element fitted to detectors should be capable of being cleaned before loading.


2.2.5 Electrical cables and any associated equipment installed in cargo holds should be protected from damage by cargoes or


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