MEPC.82(43) Guidelines for Monitoring the World-Wide Average Sulphur Content of Residual fuel Oils Supplied for Use on Board Ships

Revoked by MEPC.183(59)

Resolution MEPC.82(43)

Guidelines for Monitoring the World-Wide Average Sulphur Content of Residual fuel Oils Supplied for Use on Board Ships

(adopted on 1 July 1999)





RECALLING Article 38(a) of the Convention on the Interna­tional Maritime Organization concerning the function of the Committee conferred upon it by international conventions for the prevention and control of marine pollution,


BEING AWARE that the Conference of Parties to MARPOL 73/78 was held in September 1997 and that the Conference adopted the Protocol of 1997 to amend the International Convention for the Pre­vention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto, which sets out in its annex the new Annex VI, Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships, and eight conference resolutions including resolution 4, which provides for the development of guidelines for monitoring the world-wide average sul­phur content of residual fuels oil supplied for use on board ships,


RECOGNIZING regulation 14 of Annex VI to MARPOL 73/78 which requires Parties to Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78 to moni­tor world-wide average sulphur content of residual fuel oil supplied for use on board ships taking into account guidelines to be developed by the Organization,


1. ADOPTS the Guidelines for Monitoring the World-wide Aver-age Sulphur Content of Residual Fuel Oils Supplied for Use on Board Ships as set out in the Annex to the present resolution;


2. URGES Member Governments and interested organizations to make available the resources and expertise necessary for the implementation of these guidelines.







1. The primary objective of the guidelines is to establish an agreed method to monitor the average sulphur content of residual fuel oils supplied for use on board ships. A further objective of the guide­lines is to re-open the discussion in MEPC on measures to reduce SOx emissions from ships, should the average sulphur level in fuels, calcu­lated on the basis of these guidelines, show a sustained increase.




2. The basis for these guidelines is provided in regulation 14(2) of Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78 and in Conference Resolution 4 (in MP/CONF.3/35), on monitoring the world wide average sulphur con­tent of residual fuel oil supplied for use on board ships. Among the emissions addressed by Annex VI are emissions resulting from the combustion of fuels containing sulphur. An upper limit for the sulphur content of fuels was set and it was further decided to monitor the aver­age sulphur content of fuel.


It is estimated that independent testing companies undertake up to 50,000 tests annually, which cover between 25 and 35% of all deliver­ies. From the data gathered by these testing services the current aver­age figures for the sulphur content of residual fuels can be derived. These figures are publicised regularly and are currently in the order of 3% by mass.




3. For the purpose of these guidelines the following definitions shall apply:


(1) Residual fuel:


Fuel oil for combustion purposes delivered to and used on board ships with a kinematic viscosity at 100°C greater than or equal to 10.0 centistoke.1


1 Reference is made to ISO Standard 8217, 1996


(2) Provider of sampling and testing services:


A company that, on a commercial basis, provides test­ing and sampling services of bunker fuels delivered to ships for the purpose of assessing quality parameters of these fuels, including the sulphur content.


(3) Reference value Aw:


The value of the world-wide average sulphur content in residual fuel oils supplied for use on board ships, based on the first three years of data collected and as determined on the basis of paragraph 4 and 5 of these guidelines.



4. Monitoring and calculation of yearly and three-year rolling average.


4.1 Monitoring.


Monitoring shall be based on calculation of average sulphur content of residual fuels on the basis of sampling and testing by independent testing services. Every year the average sulphur content of residual fu­els shall be calculated. After three years the reference value for moni­toring will be set as described in paragraph 5.


4.2 Calculation of yearly average.


At the basis of monitoring is the calculation, on an annual basis, of the average sulphur content of residual fuel.


The calculation of the average sulphur content is executed as follows:


For a certain calendar year, the sulphur contents of the samples analysed (one sample for each delivery of which the sulphur content is determined by fuel oil analysis) are recorded. The sulphur contents of the samples analysed are added up and di­vided by the number of samples. The outcome of that division is the average sulphur content of residual fuel for that year.


As a basis for well informed decisions a graphical representation of the distribution of the global sulphur content in residual fuels in terms of the % sulphur in increments of 0.5% sulphur plotted against the quan­tity of fuel associated with each incremental sulphur content range shall be made available by 31 January of each year.


The mathematical formula for the method of calculation described, is given in appendix 1 to this guideline.


4.3 Three year rolling average.


A three year rolling average shall be calculated as follows:


Àcr = (Àc1 + Àc2+ Àc2)/3


in which:


Àcr = rolling average S-content of all deliveries tested over a 3 year period.


Àc1, Àc2, Àc3 = individual average S-contents of all deliver­ies tested for each year under consideration.


Àcr is to be recalculated each year by adding the latest figure for Ac and deleting the oldest.

Setting of the reference value.


5. The reference value of the world wide average sulphur content of residual fuel oils supplied for use on board ships shall be Aw, where Aw = Àcr as calculated in January of the year following the first three years in which data were collected on the basis of these guidelines. Aw shall be expressed as a percentage.


Agenda setting of consideration of measures to reduce SOx emissions.


6. If in any given year following the setting of the reference value, Àcr, exceeds Aw by a number equal to or greater than 0.2 %, the Marine Environment Protection Committee shall consider the need for further measures to reduce SOx emissions from ships, so as to decide whether it should be considered a high priority item for the Committee. MEPC shall continually review this excess value, (now 0.2%) once the reference value has been set.


Providers of sampling and testing services.


7. For the purpose of the initial five years operational period,


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