MEPC.264(68) International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code)




(adopted on 15 May 2015)






RECALLING Article 38(a) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Marine Environment Protection Committee conferred upon it by international conventions for the prevention and control of marine pollution from ships,


RECOGNIZING the need to provide a mandatory framework for ships operating in polar waters due to the additional demands for the protection of the marine environment, which go beyond the existing requirements contained in the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto as amended by the 1997 Protocol (MARPOL) and other relevant binding IMO instruments,


NOTING resolution MEPC.265(68), by which it adopted, inter alia, amendments to MARPOL Annexes I, II, IV and V to make use of the environment-related provisions of the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) mandatory,


NOTING ALSO that the Maritime Safety Committee, at its ninety-fourth session, adopted, by resolution MSC.385(94), the Introduction, as it relates to safety, and parts I-A and I-B of the Polar Code and, by resolution MSC.386(94), amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention to make use of the safety-related provisions of the Polar Code mandatory,


HAVING CONSIDERED, at its sixty-eighth session, the draft International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters,


1          ADOPTS the environment-related provisions of the Introduction, and the whole of parts II-A and II-B of the Polar Code, the text of which is set out in the annex to the present resolution;


2          AGREES that amendments to the Introduction of the Polar Code that address both safety and environmental protection shall be adopted in consultation with the Maritime Safety Committee;


3          INVITES Parties to note that the Polar Code will take effect on 1 January 2017 upon entry into force of the associated amendments to MARPOL Annexes I, II, IV and V;


4          INVITES ALSO Parties to consider the voluntary application of the Polar Code, as far as practicable, to ships not covered by the Polar Code and operating in polar waters;


5          REQUESTS the Secretary-General, for the purposes of article 16(2)(e) of MARPOL, to transmit certified copies of the present resolution and the text of the Polar Code, contained in the annex, to all Parties to MARPOL;


6          REQUESTS ALSO the Secretary-General to transmit copies of the present resolution and the text of the Polar Code contained in the annex to Members of the Organization which are not Parties to MARPOL;


7          REQUESTS FURTHER the Secretary-General to prepare a consolidated certified text of the Polar Code.








1          The International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters has been developed to supplement existing IMO instruments in order to increase the safety of ships' operation and mitigate the impact on the people and environment in the remote, vulnerable and potentially harsh polar waters.


2          The Code acknowledges that polar water operation may impose additional demands on ships, their systems and operation beyond the existing requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto as amended by the 1997 Protocol, and other relevant binding IMO instruments.


3          The Code acknowledges that the polar waters impose additional navigational demands beyond those normally encountered. In many areas, the chart coverage may not currently be adequate for coastal navigation. It is recognized even existing charts may be subject to unsurveyed and uncharted shoals.


4          The Code also acknowledges that coastal communities in the Arctic could be, and that polar ecosystems are, vulnerable to human activities, such as ship operation.


5          The relationship between the additional safety measures and the protection of the environment is acknowledged as any safety measure taken to reduce the probability of an accident, will largely benefit the environment.


6          While Arctic and Antarctic waters have similarities, there are also significant differences. Hence, although the Code is intended to apply as a whole to both Arctic and Antarctic, the legal and geographical differences between the two areas have been taken into account.


7          The key principles for developing the Polar Code have been to use a risk-based approach in determining scope and to adopt a holistic approach in reducing identified risks.




1          Goal


The goal of this Code is to provide for safe ship operation and the protection of the polar environment by addressing risks present in polar waters and not adequately mitigated by other instruments of the Organization.


2          Definitions


For the purpose of this Code, the terms used have the meanings defined in the following paragraphs. Terms used in part I-A, but not defined in this section shall have the same meaning as defined in SOLAS. Terms used in part II-A, but not defined in this section shall have the same meaning as defined in article 2 of MARPOL and the relevant MARPOL Annexes.


2.1       Category A ship means a ship designed for operation in polar waters in at least medium first-year ice, which may include old ice inclusions.


2.2       Category B ship means a ship not included in category A, designed for operation in polar waters in at least thin first-year ice, which may include old ice inclusions.


2.3       Category C ship means a ship designed to operate in open water or in ice conditions less severe than those included in categories A and B.


2.4       First-year ice means sea ice of not more than one winter growth developing from young ice with thickness from 0.3 m to 2.0 m1.


2.5       Ice free waters means no ice present. If ice of any kind is present this term shall not be used1.


2.6       Ice of land origin means ice formed on land or in an ice shelf, found floating in water1.


2.7       MARPOL means the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto as amended by the 1997 Protocol.


2.8       Medium first-year ice means first-year ice of 70 cm to 120 cm thickness1.


2.9       Old ice means sea ice which has survived at least one summer's melt; typical thickness up to 3 m or more. It is subdivided into residual first-year ice, second-year ice and multi-year ice1.


2.10     Open water means a large area of freely navigable water in which sea ice is present in concentrations less than 1/10. No ice of land origin is present1.


2.11     Organization means the International Maritime Organization.


2.12     Sea ice means any form of ice found at sea which has originated from the freezing of sea water1.


2.13     SOLAS means the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended.


2.14     STCW Convention means the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended.


2.15     Thin first-year ice means first-year ice 30 cm to 70 cm thick.



1  Refer to the WMO Sea Ice Nomenclature.


3            Sources of hazards


3.1       The Polar Code considers hazards which may lead to elevated levels of risk due to increased probability of occurrence, more severe consequences, or both:

.1    Ice, as it may affect hull structure, stability characteristics, machinery systems, navigation, the outdoor working environment, maintenance and emergency preparedness tasks and malfunction of safety equipment and systems;

.2    experiencing topside icing, with potential reduction of stability and equipment functionality;

.3    low temperature, as it affects the working environment and human performance, maintenance and emergency preparedness tasks, material properties and equipment efficiency, survival time and performance of safety equipment and systems;

.4    extended periods of darkness or daylight as it may affect navigation and human performance;

.5    high latitude, as it affects navigation systems, communication systems and the quality of ice imagery information;

.6    remoteness and possible lack of accurate and complete hydrographic data and information, reduced availability of navigational aids and seamarks with increased potential for groundings compounded by remoteness, limited readily deployable SAR facilities, delays in emergency response and limited communications capability, with the potential to affect incident response;

.7    potential lack of ship crew experience in polar operations, with potential for human error;

.8    potential lack of suitable emergency response equipment, with the potential for limiting the effectiveness of mitigation measures;

.9    rapidly changing and severe weather conditions, with the potential for escalation of incidents; and

.10 the environment with respect to sensitivity to harmful substances and other environmental impacts and its need for longer restoration.

3.2       The risk level within polar waters may differ depending on the geographical location, time of the year with respect to daylight, ice-coverage, etc. Thus, the mitigating measures required to address the above specific hazards may vary within polar waters and may be different in Arctic and Antarctic waters.


4            Structure of the Code


This Code consists of Introduction, parts I and II. The Introduction contains mandatory provisions applicable to both parts I and II. Part I is subdivided into part I-A, which contains mandatory provisions on safety measures, and part I-B containing recommendations on safety. Part II is subdivided into part II-A, which contains mandatory provisions on pollution prevention, and part II-B containing recommendations on pollution prevention.


Figures illustrating the Antarctic area and Arctic waters, as defined in SOLAS regulations XIV/1.2 and XIV/1.3, respectively, and MARPOL Annex I, regulations 1.11.7 and 46.2; Annex II, regulations 13.8.1 and 21.2; Annex IV, regulations 17.2 and 17.3; and Annex V, regulations 1.14.7 and 13.2


Figure 1 – Maximum extent of Antarctic area application2


2  It should be noted that this figure is for illustrative purposes only.




Figure 2 – Maximum extent of Arctic waters application3


3  It should be noted that this figure is for illustrative purposes only.










1.1       Structure of this part


Each chapter in this part consists of the overall goal of the chapter, functional requirements to fulfil the goal, and regulations. A ship shall be considered to meet a functional requirement set out in this part when either:

.1       the ship's design and arrangements comply with all the regulations associated with that functional requirement; or

.2       part(s) or all of the ship's relevant design and arrangements have been reviewed and approved in accordance with regulation 4 of SOLAS chapter XIV, and any remaining parts of the ship comply with the relevant regulations.


1.2       Definitions


In addition to the definitions included in the relevant SOLAS chapters and the introduction of this Code, the following definitions are applicable to this part.


1.2.1    Bergy waters mean an area of freely navigable water in which ice of land origin is present in concentrations less than 1/10. There may be sea ice present, although the total concentration of all ice shall not exceed 1/10.


1.2.2    Escort means any ship with superior ice capability in transit with another ship.


1.2.3    Escorted operation means any operation in which a ship's movement is facilitated through the intervention of an escort.


1.2.4    Habitable environment means a ventilated environment that will protect against hypothermia.


1.2.5    Icebreaker means any ship whose operational profile may include escort or ice management functions, whose powering and dimensions allow it to undertake aggressive operations in ice-covered waters.


1.2.6    Ice Class means the notation assigned to the ship by the Administration or by an organization recognized by the Administration showing that the ship has been designed for navigation in sea-ice conditions.


1.2.7    Maximum expected time of rescue means the time adopted for the design of equipment and system that provide survival support. It shall never be less than 5 days.


1.2.8    Machinery Installations means equipment and machinery and its associated piping and cabling, which is necessary for the safe operation of the ship.


1.2.9    Mean Daily Low Temperature (MDLT) means the mean value of the daily low temperature for each day of the year over a minimum 10 year period. A data set acceptable to the Administration may be used if 10 years of data is not available4.


4  Refer also to additional guidance in part I-B.


1.2.10 Polar Class (PC) means the ice class assigned to the ship by the Administration or by an organization recognized by the Administration based upon IACS Unified Requirements.


1.2.11 Polar Service Temperature (PST) means a temperature specified for a ship which is intended to operate in low air temperature, which shall be set at least 100C below the lowest MDLT for the intended area and season of operation in polar waters.


1.2.12 Ship intended to operate in low air temperature means a ship which is intended to undertake voyages to or through areas where the lowest Mean Daily Low Temperature (MDLT) is below -100C.


1.2.13 Tankers mean oil tankers as defined in SOLAS regulation II-1/2.22, chemical tankers as defined in SOLAS regulation II-1/3.19 and gas carriers as defined in SOLAS regulation VII/11.2.


1.2.14 Upper ice waterline means the waterline defined by the maximum draughts forward and aft for operation in ice.


1.3       Certificate and survey


1.3.1    Every ship to which this Code applies shall have on board a valid Polar Ship Certificate.


1.3.2    Except as provided for in paragraph 1.3.3, the Polar Ship Certificate shall be issued after an initial or renewal survey to a ship which complies with the relevant requirements of this Code.


1.3.3    For category C cargo ships, if the result of the assessment in paragraph 1.5 is that no additional equipment or structural modification is required to comply with the Polar Code, the Polar Ship Certificate may be issued based upon documented verification that the ship complies with all relevant requirements of the Polar Code. In this case, for continued validity of the certificate, an onboard survey should be undertaken at the next scheduled survey.


1.3.4    The certificate referred to in this regulation shall be issued either by the Administration or by any person or organization recognized by it in accordance with SOLAS regulation XI-1/1. In every case, that Administration assumes full responsibility for the certificate.


1.3.5    The Polar Ship Certificate shall be drawn up in the form corresponding to the model given in appendix 1 to this Code. If the language used is neither English, nor French nor Spanish, the text shall include a translation into one of these languages.


1.3.6    Polar Ship Certificate validity, survey dates and endorsements shall be harmonized with the relevant SOLAS certificates in accordance with the provisions of regulation I/14 of the SOLAS Convention. The certificate shall include a supplement recording equipment required by the Code.


1.3.7    Where applicable, the certificate shall reference a methodology to assess operational capabilities and limitations in ice to the satisfaction of the Administration, taking into account the guidelines developed by the Organization5.


5   Refer to guidance to be developed by the Organization.


1.4       Performance standards


1.4.1    Unless expressly provided otherwise, ship systems and equipment addressed in this Code shall satisfy at least the same performance standards referred to in SOLAS.


1.4 2    For ships operating in low air temperature, a polar service temperature (PST) shall be specified and shall be at least 100C below the lowest MDLT for the intended area and season of operation in polar waters. Systems and equipment required by this Code shall be fully functional at the polar service temperature.


1.4.3    For ships operating in low air temperature, survival systems and equipment shall be fully operational at the polar service temperature during the maximum expected rescue time.


1.5       Operational assessment


In order to establish procedures or operational limitations, an assessment of the ship and its equipment shall be carried out, taking into consideration the following:

.1    the anticipated range of operating and environmental conditions, such as:

.1    operation in low air temperature;

.2    operation in ice;

.3    operation in high latitude; and

.4    potential for abandonment onto ice or land;

.2    hazards, as listed in section 3 of the Introduction, as applicable; and

.3    additional hazards, if identified.




2.1       Goal


The goal of this chapter is to provide the owner, operator, master and crew with sufficient information regarding the ship's operational capabilities and limitations in order to support their decision-making process.


2.2       Functional requirements


2.2.1    In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 2.1 above, the following functional requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter.


2.2.2    The Manual shall include information on the ship-specific capabilities and limitations in relation to the assessment required under paragraph 1.5.


2.2.3    The Manual shall include or refer to specific procedures to be followed in normal operations and in order to avoid encountering conditions that exceed the ship's capabilities.


2.2.4    The Manual shall include or refer to specific procedures to be followed in the event of incidents in polar waters.


2.2.5    The Manual shall include or refer to specific procedures to be followed in the event that conditions are encountered which exceed the ship's specific capabilities and limitations in paragraph 2.2.2.


2.2.6    The Manual shall include or refer to procedures to be followed when using icebreaker assistance, as applicable.


2.3       Regulations


2.3.1    In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraphs 2.2.1 to 2.2.6, the Manual shall be carried on board.


2.3.2    In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 2.2.2, the Manual shall contain, where applicable, the methodology used to determine capabilities and limitations in ice.


2.3.3    In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 2.2.3, the Manual shall include risk-based procedures for the following:

.1    voyage planning to avoid ice and/or temperatures that exceed the ship's design capabilities or limitations;

.2    arrangements for receiving forecasts of the environmental conditions;

.3    means of addressing any limitations of the hydrographic, meteorological and navigational information available;

.4    operation of equipment required under other chapters of this Code; and

.5    implementation of special measures to maintain equipment and system functionality under low temperatures, topside icing and the presence of sea ice, as applicable.


2.3.4    In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 2.2.4, the Manual shall include risk-based procedures to be followed for:

.1    contacting emergency response providers for salvage, search and rescue (SAR), spill response, etc., as applicable; and

.2    in the case of ships ice strengthened in accordance with chapter 3, procedures for maintaining life support and ship integrity in the event of prolonged entrapment by ice.


2.3.5    In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 2.2.5, the Manual shall include risk-based procedures to be followed for measures to be taken in the event of encountering ice and/or temperatures which exceed the ship's design capabilities or limitations.


2.3.6    In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 2.2.6, the Manual shall include risk-based procedures for monitoring and maintaining safety during operations in ice, as applicable, including any requirements for escort operations or icebreaker assistance. Different operational limitations may apply depending on whether the ship is operating independently or with icebreaker escort. Where appropriate, the PWOM should specify both options.




3.1       Goal


The goal of this chapter is to provide that the material and scantlings of the structure retain their structural integrity based on global and local response due to environmental loads and conditions.


3.2       Functional requirements


In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 3.1 above, the following functional requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter:

.1    for ships intended to operate in low air temperature, materials used shall be suitable for operation at the ships polar service temperature; and

.2    in ice strengthened ships, the structure of the ship shall be designed to resist both global and local structural loads anticipated under the foreseen ice conditions.


3.3       Regulations


3.3.1    In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 3.2.1 above, materials of exposed structures in ships shall be approved by the Administration, or a recognized organization accepted by it, taking into account standards acceptable to the Organization6 or other standards offering an equivalent level of safety based on the polar service temperature.


6   Refer to IACS UR S6 Use of Steel Grades for Various Hull Members – Ships of 90 m in Length and Above (latest version) or IACS URI Requirements concerning Polar Class (latest version), as applicable.


3.3.2    In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 3.2.2 above, the following apply:

.1    scantlings of category A ships shall be approved by the Administration, or a recognized organization accepted by it, taking into account standards acceptable to the Organization7 or other standards offering an equivalent level of safety;

.2    scantlings of category B ships shall be approved by the Administration, or a recognized organization accepted by it, taking into account standards acceptable to the Organization8 or other standards offering an equivalent level of safety;

.3    scantlings of ice strengthened category C ships shall be approved by the Administration, or a recognized organization accepted by it, taking into account acceptable standards adequate for the ice types and concentrations encountered in the area of operation; and

.4    a category C ship need not be ice strengthened if, in the opinion of the Administration, the ship's structure is adequate for its intended operation.


7   Refer to Polar Class 1-5 of IACS URI Requirements concerning Polar Class (latest version).

8   Refer to Polar Class 6-7 of IACS URI Requirements concerning Polar Class (latest version).




4.1       Goal


The goal of this chapter is to ensure adequate subdivision and stability in both intact and damaged conditions.


4.2       Functional requirements


In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 4.1 above, the following functional requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter:

.1    ships shall have sufficient stability in intact conditions when subject to ice accretion; and

.2    ships of category A and B, constructed on or after 1 January 2017, shall have sufficient residual stability to sustain ice-related damages.


4.3       Regulations


4.3.1    Stability in intact conditions             In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph 4.2.1, for ships operating in areas and during periods where ice accretion is likely to occur, the following icing allowance shall be made in the stability calculations:

.1    30 kg/m2 on exposed weather decks and gangways;

.2    7.5 kg/m2 for the projected lateral area of each side of the ship above the water plane; and

.3    the projected lateral area of discontinuous surfaces of rail, sundry booms, spars (except masts) and rigging of ships having no sails and the projected lateral area of other small objects shall be computed by increasing the total projected area of continuous surfaces by 5% and the static moments of this area by 10%.             Ships operating in areas and during periods where ice accretion is likely to occur shall be:

.1    designed to minimize the accretion of ice; and

.2    equipped with such means for removing ice as the Administration may require; for example, electrical and pneumatic devices, and/or special tools such as axes or wooden clubs for removing ice from bulwarks, rails and erections.             Information on the icing allowance included in the stability calculations shall be given in the PWOM.             Ice accretion shall be monitored and appropriate measures taken to ensure that the ice accretion does not exceed the values given in the PWOM.


4.3.2    Stability in damaged conditions             In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 4.2.2, ships of categories A and B, constructed on or after 1 January 2017, shall be able to withstand flooding resulting from hull penetration due to ice impact. The residual stability following ice damage shall be such that the factor si, as defined in SOLAS regulations II-1/7-2.2 and II-1/7-2.3, is equal to one for all loading conditions used to calculate the attained subdivision index in SOLAS regulation II-1/7. However, for cargo ships that comply with subdivision and damage stability regulations in another instrument developed by the Organization, as provided by SOLAS regulation II-1/4.1, the residual stability criteria of that instrument shall be met for each loading condition.             The ice damage extents to be assumed when demonstrating compliance with paragraph shall be such that:

.1    the longitudinal extent is 4.5% of the upper ice waterline length if centred forward of the maximum breadth on the upper ice waterline, and 1.5% of upper ice waterline length otherwise, and shall be assumed at any longitudinal position along the ship's length;

.2    the transverse penetration extent is 760 mm, measured normal to the shell over the full extent of the damage; and

.3    the vertical extent is the lesser of 20% of the upper ice waterline draught or the longitudinal extent, and shall be assumed at any vertical position between the keel and 120% of the upper ice waterline draught.




5.1       Goal


The goal of this chapter is to provide measures to maintain watertight and weathertight integrity.


5.2       Functional requirements


In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 5.1 above, all closing appliances and doors relevant to watertight and weathertight integrity of the ship shall be operable.


5.3       Regulations


In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph 5.2 above, the following apply:

.1    for ships operating in areas and during periods where ice accretion is likely to occur, means shall be provided to remove or prevent ice and snow accretion around hatches and doors; and

.2    in addition, for ships intended to operate in low air temperature the following apply:

.1    if the hatches or doors are hydraulically operated, means shall be provided to prevent freezing or excessive viscosity of liquids; and

.2    watertight and weathertight doors, hatches and closing devices which are not within an habitable environment and require access while at sea shall be designed to be operated by personnel wearing heavy winter clothing including thick mittens.




6.1       Goal


The goal of this chapter is to ensure that, machinery installations are capable of delivering the required functionality necessary for safe operation of ships.


6.2       Functional requirements


6.2.1    In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 6.1 above, the following functional requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter.             Machinery installations shall provide functionality under the anticipated environmental conditions, taking into account:

.1    ice accretion and/or snow accumulation;

.2    ice ingestion from seawater;

.3    freezing and increased viscosity of liquids;

.4    seawater intake temperature; and

.5    snow ingestion.             In addition, for ships intended to operate in low air temperatures:

.1    machinery installations shall provide functionality under the anticipated environmental conditions, also taking into account:

.1    cold and dense inlet air; and

.2    loss of performance of battery or other stored energy device; and

.2    materials used shall be suitable for operation at the ships polar service temperature.             In addition, for ships ice strengthened in accordance with chapter 3, machinery installations shall provide functionality under the anticipated environmental conditions, taking into account loads imposed directly by ice interaction.


6.3       Regulations


6.3.1    In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph above, taking into account the anticipated environmental conditions, the following apply:

.1    machinery installations and associated equipment shall be protected against the effect of ice accretion and/or snow accumulation, ice ingestion from sea water, freezing and increased viscosity of liquids, seawater intake temperature and snow ingestion;

.2    working liquids shall be maintained in a viscosity range that ensures operation of the machinery; and

.3    seawater supplies for machinery systems shall be designed to prevent ingestion of ice,9 or otherwise arranged to ensure functionality.


9   Refer to MSC/Circ.504, Guidance on design and construction of sea inlets under slush ice conditions.


6.3.2    In addition, for ships intended to operate in low air temperatures, the following apply:

.1    in order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph above, exposed machinery and electrical installation and appliances shall function at the polar service temperature;

.2    in order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph above, means shall be provided to ensure that combustion air for internal combustion engines driving essential machinery is maintained at a temperature in compliance with the criteria provided by the engine manufacturer; and

.3    in order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph above, materials of exposed machinery and foundations shall be approved by the Administration, or a recognized organization accepted by it, taking into account standards acceptable to the Organization10,11 or other standards offering an equivalent level of safety based on the polar service temperature.


10   Refer to Polar Class 1–5 of IACS URI Requirements concerning Polar Class (2011).

11   Refer to Polar Class 6–7 of IACS URI Requirements concerning Polar Class (2011).


6.3.3    In addition, for ships ice strengthened in accordance with chapter 3, in order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph above, the following apply:

.1    scantlings of propeller blades, propulsion line, steering equipment and other appendages of category A ships shall be approved by the Administration, or a recognized organization accepted by it, taking into account standards acceptable to the Organization10or other standards offering an equivalent level of safety;

.2    scantlings of propeller blades, propulsion line, steering equipment and other appendages of category B ships shall be approved by the Administration, or a recognized organization accepted by it, taking into account standards acceptable to the Organization11 or other standards offering an equivalent level of safety; and

.3    scantlings of propeller blades, propulsion line, steering equipment and other appendages of ice-strengthened category C ships shall be approved by the Administration, or a recognized organization accepted by it, taking into account acceptable standards adequate with the ice types and concentration encountered in the area of operation.




7.1       Goal


The goal of this chapter is to ensure that fire safety systems and appliances are effective and operable, and that means of escape remain available so that persons on board can safely and swiftly escape to the lifeboat and liferaft embarkation deck under the expected environmental conditions.


7.2       Functional requirements


7.2.1    In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 7.1 above, the following functional requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter:

.1    all components of fire safety systems and appliances if installed in exposed positions shall be protected from ice accretion and snow accumulation;

.2    local equipment and machinery controls shall be arranged so as to avoid freezing, snow accumulation and ice accretion and their location to remain accessible at all time;

.3    the design of fire safety systems and appliances shall take into consideration the need for persons to wear bulky and cumbersome cold weather gear, where appropriate;

.4    means shall be provided to remove or prevent ice and snow accretion from accesses; and

.5    extinguishing media shall be suitable for intended operation.


7.2.2    In addition, for ships intended to operate in low air temperature, the following apply:

.1    all components of fire safety systems and appliances shall be designed to ensure availability and effectiveness under the polar service temperature; and

.2    materials used in exposed fire safety systems shall be suitable for operation at the polar service temperature.


7.3       Regulations


7.3.1    In order to comply with the requirement of paragraph, the following apply:

.1    isolating and pressure/vacuum valves in exposed locations are to be protected from ice accretion and remain accessible at all time; and

.2    all two-way portable radio communication equipment shall be operable at the polar service temperature.


7.3.2    In order to comply with the requirement of paragraph, the following apply:

.1    fire pumps including emergency fire pumps, water mist and water spray pumps shall be located in compartments maintained above freezing;

.2    the fire main is to be arranged so that exposed sections can be isolated and means of draining of exposed sections shall be provided. Fire hoses and nozzles need not be connected to the fire main at all times, and may be stored in protected locations near the hydrants;

.3    firefighter's outfits shall be stored in warm locations on the ship; and

.4    where fixed water-based firefighting systems are located in a space separate from the main fire pumps and use their own independent sea suction, this sea suction is to be also capable of being cleared of ice accumulation.


7.3.3    In addition, for ships intended to operate in low air temperature, the following apply:

.1    In order to comply with the requirement of paragraph, portable and semi-portable extinguishers shall be located in positions protected from freezing temperatures, as far as practical. Locations subject to freezing are to be provided with extinguishers capable of operation under the polar service temperature.

.2    In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph above, materials of exposed fire safety systems shall be approved by the Administration, or a recognized organization accepted by it, taking into account standards acceptable to the Organization12 or other standards offering an equivalent level of safety based on the polar service temperature.


12   Refer to IACS UR S6 Use of Steel Grades for Various Hull Members – Ships of 90 m in Length and Above (2013) or IACS URI Requirements concerning Polar Class (2011).





8.1       Goal


The goal of this chapter is to provide for safe escape, evacuation and survival.


8.2       Functional requirements


In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 8.1 above, the following functional requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter:


8.2.1    Escape             Exposed escape routes shall remain accessible and safe, taking into consideration the potential icing of structures and snow accumulation.             Survival craft and muster and embarkation arrangements shall provide safe abandonment of ship, taking into consideration the possible adverse environmental conditions during an emergency.


8.2.2    Evacuation


All life-saving appliances and associated equipment shall provide safe evacuation and be functional under the possible adverse environmental conditions during the maximum expected time of rescue.


8.2.3    Survival             Adequate thermal protection shall be provided for all persons on board, taking into account the intended voyage, the anticipated weather conditions (cold and wind), and the potential for immersion in polar water, where applicable.             Life-saving appliances and associated equipment shall take account of the potential of operation in long periods of darkness, taking into consideration the intended voyage.             Taking into account the presence of any hazards, as identified in the assessment in chapter 1, resources shall be provided to support survival following abandoning ship, whether to the water, to ice or to land, for the maximum expected time of rescue. These resources shall provide:

.1    a habitable environment;

.2    protection of persons from the effects of cold, wind and sun;

.3    space to accommodate persons equipped with thermal protection adequate for the environment;

.4    means to provide sustenance;

.5    safe access and exit points; and

.6    means to communicate with rescue assets.


8.3       Regulations


8.3.1    Escape


In order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraphs and above, the following apply:

.1    for ships exposed to ice accretion, means shall be provided to remove or prevent ice and snow accretion from escape routes, muster stations, embarkation areas, survival craft, its launching appliances and access to survival craft;

.2    in addition, for ships constructed on or after 1 January 2017, exposed escape routes shall be arranged so as not to hinder passage by persons wearing suitable polar clothing; and

.3    in addition, for ships intended to operate in low air temperatures, adequacy of embarkation arrangements shall be assessed, having full regard to any effect of persons wearing additional polar clothing.


8.3.2    Evacuation


In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph 8.2.2 above, the following apply:

.1    ships shall have means to ensure safe evacuation of persons, including safe deployment of survival equipment, when operating in ice-covered waters, or directly onto the ice, as applicable; and

.2    where the regulations of this chapter are achieved by means of adding devices requiring a source of power, this source shall be able to operate independently of the ship's main source of power.


8.3.3    Survival             In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph above, the following apply:

.1    for passenger ships, a proper sized immersion suit or a thermal protective aid shall be provided for each person on board; and

.2    where immersion suits are required, they shall be of the insulated type.             In addition, for ships intended to operate in extended periods of darkness, in order to comply with the functional requirements of paragraph above, searchlights suitable for continuous use to facilitate identification of ice shall be provided for each lifeboat.             In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph above, the following apply:

.1    no lifeboat shall be of any type other than partially or totally enclosed type;

.2    taking into account the assessment referred to in chapter 1, appropriate survival resources, which address both individual (personal survival equipment) and shared (group survival equipment) needs, shall be provided, as follows:

.1    life-saving appliances and group survival equipment that provide effective protection against direct wind chill for all persons on board;

.2    personal survival equipment in combination with life-saving appliances or group survival equipment that provide sufficient thermal insulation to maintain the core temperature of persons; and

.3    personal survival equipment that provide sufficient protection to prevent frostbite of all extremities; and

.3    in addition, whenever the assessment required under paragraph 1.5 identifies a potential of abandonment onto ice or land, the following apply:

.1    group survival equipment shall be carried, unless an equivalent level of functionality for survival is provided by the ship's normal life-saving appliances;

.2    when required, personal and group survival equipment sufficient for 110% of the persons on board shall be stowed in easily accessible locations, as close as practical to the muster or embarkation stations;

.3    containers for group survival equipment shall be designed to be easily movable over the ice and be floatable;

.4    whenever the assessment identifies the need to carry personal and group survival equipment, means shall be identified of ensuring that this equipment is accessible following abandonment;

.5    if carried in addition to persons, in the survival craft, the survival craft and launching appliances shall have sufficient capacity to accommodate the additional equipment;

.6    passengers shall be instructed in the use of the personal survival equipment and the action to take in an emergency; and

.7    the crew shall be trained in the use of the personal survival equipment and group survival equipment.             In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph above, adequate emergency rations shall be provided, for the maximum expected time of rescue.





9.1       Goal


The goal of this chapter is to provide for safe navigation.


9.2       Functional requirements


In order to achieve the goal set out in paragraph 9.1 above, the following functional requirements are embodied in the regulations of this chapter.


9.2.1    Nautical information


Ships shall have the ability to receive up-to-date information including ice information for safe navigation.


9.2.2    Navigational equipment functionality             The navigational equipment and systems shall be designed, constructed, and installed to retain their functionality under the expected environmental conditions in the area of operation.             Systems for providing reference headings and position fixing shall be suitable for the intended areas.


9.2.3    Additional navigational equipment             Ships shall have the ability to visually detect ice when operating in darkness.             Ships involved in operations with an icebreaker escort shall have suitable means to indicate when the ship is stopped.


9.3       Regulations


9.3.1    Nautical information


In order to comply with the functional requirement of paragraph 9.2.1 above, ships shall have means of receiving and displaying current information on ice conditions in the area of operation.

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