MEPC.110(49) Revised Interim Guidelines for the Approval of Alternative Methods of Design and Construction of Oil Tankers Under Regulation 13F(5) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78


Resolution MEPC.110(49)


(Adopted on 18 July 2003)





RECALLING Article 38(a) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (the Committee) conferred upon it by international conventions for the prevention and control of marine pollution,


NOTING resolution MEPC.52(32) by which the Committee adopted regulations 13F and 13G and related amendments to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78,


NOTING ALSO resolution MEPC.66(37) by which the Committee adopted the Interim Guidelines for the approval of alternative methods of design and construction of oil tankers under regulation 13F(5) of annex I of MARPOL 73/78,


NOTING FURTHER that by resolution MEPC.66(37), the Committee resolved to keep the Interim Guidelines under review and to develop final guidelines in the light of experience,


HAVING CONSIDERED, at its forty-ninth session, the recommendation made by the Sub-Committee on Bulk Liquids and Gases,


1. ADOPTS the Revised Interim Guidelines for the approval of alternative methods of design and construction of oil tankers under regulation 13F(5) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78, the text of which is set out in the Annex to the present resolution;


2. INVITES Member Governments to give due consideration to the Revised Interim Guidelines when evaluating other methods of design and construction of oil tankers as alternatives to the requirements prescribed in regulation 13F(5) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 for submission of such designs to the Committee for approval;


3. AGREES to keep the Revised Interim Guidelines under review in the light of experience gained;


4. INVITES the Maritime Safety Committee to note the Revised Interim Guidelines;


5. URGES Member Governments to bring the aforementioned Revised Interim Guidelines to the attention of shipbuilders, shipowners, ship operators and other parties concerned with the design, construction and operation of oil tankers with a view to encouraging their use for oil tankers constructed on or after 1 April 2005;


6. REVOKES resolution MEPC.66(37).







1. The purpose of these Revised Interim Guidelines, hereunder referred to as "the Guidelines", is to provide an international standard for the evaluation and approval of alternative methods of design and construction of oil tankers under regulation 13F(5) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78.


2. The basic philosophy of the Guidelines is to compare the oil outflow performance in case of collision or stranding of an alternative tanker design to that of reference double-hull designs complying with regulation 13F(3) on the basis of a calculated pollution-prevention index.


3. The oil outflow performance of double-hull tankers which comply with regulation 13F(3) may be different. The longitudinal subdivision of the cargo tanks has a major influence on the oil outflow in case of inner hull penetration. The selected reference double-hull designs exhibit a favourable oil outflow performance.


4. The calculation of oil outflow is based on the probabilistic methodology and best available tanker accident damage statistics. Reappraisal of the Guidelines may be appropriate when more information on tanker accident damage has become available and more experience with the application of these Guidelines has been gained.


5. Falling tides will have an adverse effect on oil outflow from a stranded tanker and the Guidelines take account of this. The tide values specified in section 5 represent realistic average tidal changes which have been chosen to identify the influence of tidal changes on the oil outflow in case of stranding.


1. General


1.1 Regulation 13F of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 specifies structural requirements for new tankers of 600 dwt and above, contracted on or after 6 July 1993. Paragraph (3) of the regulation requires tankers of 5,000 dwt and above to be equipped with double hulls. Various detailed requirements and permissible exceptions are given in the regulation.


Paragraph (5) of the regulation specifies that other designs may be accepted as alternatives to double hull, provided they give at least the same level of protection against oil pollution in the event of collision or stranding and are approved in principle by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) based on Guidelines developed by the Organization.


1.2 These Guidelines should be used to assess the acceptability of alternative oil tanker designs of 5,000 dwt and above with regard to the prevention of oil outflow in the event of collision or stranding as specified in paragraph (5) of regulation 13F.


1.3 For any alternative design of an oil tanker not satisfying regulation 13F(3) or (4), a study of the cargo oil outflow performance should be carried out as specified in sections 4 through 6 of these Guidelines.


1.4 This study should cover the full range of ship sizes with a minimum of four different ship sizes, unless the approval is requested for only a limited range of vessel sizes. Data for four reference double-hull designs are given in section 7.


1.5 Evaluation of the cargo oil outflow performance of the proposed alternative design should be made by calculating the pollution-prevention index E, as outlined in section 4 of these Guidelines.


1.6 The probabilistic methodology for the calculation of oil outflow according to these Guidelines is based on available tanker casualty statistics. With the collection of additional statistical material, the damage density distribution functions specified in paragraph 5.2 should be periodically reviewed.


1.7 In principle, and as far as applicable, the requirements of paragraphs (3)(d) - (f), (6) and (8) of regulation 13F apply also to alternative designs. The requirements of paragraph (9) of regulation 13F also applies to alternative designs. In addition, it should be demonstrated by means of a risk analysis that the new design under consideration provides an adequate safety level. Such analysis should address any specific risks associated with the alternative design and, if there are any, it should be demonstrated that safe solutions exist to cope with them.


2. Applicability


2.1 These Guidelines apply to the assessment of alternative designs of oil tankers to be constructed of steel or other equivalent material, as required by SOLAS regulation II-2/11. Designs for tankers intended to be constructed of other materials or incorporating novel features (e.g. non-metallic materials) or designs which use impact-absorbing devices should be specially considered.


2.2 The approval procedure of these Guidelines applies to oil tankers of sizes up to 350,000 dwt. For larger sizes the approval procedure should be specially considered.


3. Approval procedure for alternative tanker designs


3.1 An Administration which receives a request for approval of an alternative tanker design for the purpose of complying with regulation 13F, should first evaluate the proposed design and satisfy itself that the design complies with these Guidelines and other applicable regulations of MARPOL Annex I. That Administration should then submit the proposal and the supporting documentation, together with its own evaluation report, to the Organization for evaluation and approval of the design concept by the MEPC as an alternative to the requirements of regulation 13F(3). Only design concepts which have been approved in principle by the MEPC are allowed for the construction of tankers to which regulation 13F(5) applies.


3.2 The submission to the Administration and the Organization should at least include the following items:


.1 detailed specification of the alternative design concept;


.2 drawings showing the basic design of the tank system and, where necessary, of the entire ship;


.3 study of the oil outflow performance as outlined in paragraphs 1.3 to 1.5;


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