A.986(24) The Importance and Funding of Technical Co-operation as a Means to Support the United Nations Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals

Resolution A.986(24)


(Adopted on 1 December 2005)





ACKNOWLEDGING IMO's record of achievement in technical co-operation, the relevance of its Integrated Technical Co-operation Programme (ITCP) and the strongly growing demand arising from the priority given to implementing the instruments of the Organization,


ACKNOWLEDGING ALSO that one of the effects of the Voluntary IMO Member State Audit Scheme ("Audit Scheme") will be an increase in demand for technical co-operation, resulting from the specific needs of Member States that, either before or after a voluntary audit, may wish to apply for technical co-operation from IMO in order to further improve their own performance,


ACKNOWLEDGING FURTHER the need to support, through technical co-operation activities, the United Nations Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals and to review the progress made on a regular basis, and also the emphasis placed on meeting the special assistance needs of Africa,


BEING AWARE that the increasing number of amendments to IMO instruments along with the adoption of new instruments could increase the difficulties that some Member States are facing in the implementation of IMO's instruments, thus resulting in differing levels of implementation in different regions of the world,


BEING AWARE ALSO that a substantial portion of the Organization's regular budget is funded by developing countries,


MINDFUL of the budgetary constraints of Member States and the Organization itself, and of the need to make efficient use of the Printing Fund surpluses, while also respecting the need to give priority to technical co-operation over other matters,


CONSIDERING the importance of emphasizing the Secretary-General's mandate regarding the allocation of funds for technical co-operation,


CONSIDERING ALSO the ongoing efforts of the Technical Co-operation Committee to develop a comprehensive mechanism for ensuring long-term, sustainable implementation of the ITCP through the effective and efficient utilization of additional resources which reduces dependence on the Printing Fund surplus,


RECALLING that, in accordance with resolution A.IOO(IV), the Assembly decides on the use of any surplus in the Printing Fund at the end of each financial period,


1. REAFFIRMS that technical co-operation is an essential part of the Organization's work to achieve the global ratification and implementation of IMO's instruments and to successfully implement the Audit Scheme, recognizing in particular that each Member State may, either before or after a voluntary audit, wish to apply for technical co-operation from IMO in order to further improve its own performance;


2. INSTRUCTS the Secretary-General to transfer, at the beginning of each year, commencing from 1 January 2008, not less than 75 per cent of the net annual surplus in the Printing Fund to the Technical Co-operation Fund, unless otherwise directed by the Assembly;


3. INSTRUCTS the Council, in deciding on how to allocate the balance left from the transfer requested under paragraph 2, to accord priority to the Technical Co-operation Fund over the other administrative funds of the Organization, taking into consideration the financial circumstances of the Organization;


4. INSTRUCTS the Technical Co-operation Committee, in the allocation of resources, to give due consideration to meet the special technical co-operation needs of the African continent through the ITCP;


5. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to submit for consideration by the next session of the Technical Co-operation Committee and to the Council relevant options for generating the necessary reserves in the Technical Co-operation Fund to enable it to overcome any reduction in transfers arising from reduced annual surpluses in the Printing Fund resulting from insufficient sales of the Organization's publications;


6. REQUESTS ALSO the Secretary-General, in seeking financial support for the implementation of the ITCP, to explore sources of funding to support IMO's contribution to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals;


7. APPROVES the continued transfer of the income arising from investments of the Technical Co-operation Fund to that Fund;


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