A.984(24) Facilitation of the Carriage of IMDG Code Class 7 Radioactive Materials Including Those in Packaged form Used in Medical or Public Health Applications

Resolution A.984(24)


(Adopted on 1 December 2005)





RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety and the prevention and control of marine pollution from ships,


HAVING CONSIDERED the general purpose of the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amended, in particular article III,


REAFFIRMING that chapter VII of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (1974 SOLAS Convention) and the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (EVIDG) Code contain sufficient and adequate provisions for the safe carriage of dangerous goods in packaged form including EVIDG Code class 7 radioactive materials,


BEING AWARE of difficulties encountered in the carriage of certain EVIDG Code class 7 radioactive materials including those used for medical or public health applications,


BEING CONCERNED about the potential adverse consequences that denial of carriage of IMDG Code class 7 radioactive materials used in medical applications, for example Cobalt-60 and those radioisotopes used in radiotherapy and nuclear medicine, might have on public health,


NOTING the efforts of the Facilitation Committee, at its thirty-first and thirty-second sessions, to address and resolve the issue, and in particular the approval of FAL.6/Circ.l2 on "Difficulties encountered in the shipment of the IMDG Code class 7 radioactive materials and, in particular, Cobalt-60",


NOTING ALSO the work done by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in an effort to assist in the alleviation of the difficulties encountered in the carriage of IMDG Code class 7 radioactive materials,


NOTING FURTHER the progress made by the IAEA in conjunction with the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations on the problems related to refusals of air shipments of radioactive materials, in particular those used for medical applications, and the establishment, by the General Conference of the IAEA, through resolution GC(49)/RES/9, of a steering committee to oversee the resolution of the problem, as recommended by the IAEA Transport Safety Standards Committee,


ALSO NOTING that cessation of the transport of radioactive materials, except those used in medical or public health applications, through the regions of small island developing States is an ultimate desired goal of small island developing States and some other countries, and recognizing the right of freedom of navigation in accordance with international law,


RECOGNIZING the diverse and important uses of radioactive material, including Cobalt-60 and the need to ensure the effective and efficient carriage of this medical isotope for the benefit of public health,


1. INVITES Member Governments to note that carriage of FMDG Code class 7 radioactive materials, when carried out in compliance with the relevant provisions of chapter VII of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, the IMDG Code and the recommendations contained in MSC/Circ.675 on "Recommendations on the safe transport of dangerous cargoes and related activities in port areas", meets the necessary safety requirements and should be facilitated;


2. ALSO INVITES Member Governments to recognize the beneficial uses of FMDG Code class 7 radioactive materials in packaged form used in medical or public health applications and to facilitate their expeditious transportation;


3. FURTHER INVITES Member Governments to work with relevant national authorities and industry associations to raise the required level of awareness and to help alleviate the difficulties encountered in the carriage of FMDG Code class 7 radioactive materials including those in packaged form used in medical or public health applications;


4. URGES Member Governments and non-governmental organizations with consultative status to bring to the attention of the Facilitation Committee any instances, together with the associated reasons, where the carriage of FMDG Code class 7 radioactive materials, including those in packaged form used in medical or public health applications, encounter difficulties or are refused carriage aboard ship or in or through ports, so as to enable the Facilitation Committee to consider the matter further; to determine the actions required, and to report to the twenty-fifth regular session of the


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