A.980(24) Amendments to the IMO Guidelines on Ship Recycling (Resolution A.962(23))


Resolution A.980(24)


(Adopted on 1 December 2005)





RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety and the prevention and control of marine pollution from ships and other matters concerning the effect of shipping on the marine environment,


RECALLING ALSO resolution A.962(23) by which it adopted the IMO Guidelines on Ship Recycling,


RECALLING FURTHER that, at its twenty-third session, when adopting resolution A.962(23), it requested the Marine Environment Protection Committee to keep this matter under review with a view to further developing the Guidelines in the future,


RECOGNIZING the need to keep the IMO Guidelines on Ship Recycling updated in the light of experience gained in their implementation,


HAVFNG CONSIDERED the recommendations made by the Marine Environment Protection Committee at its fifty-third session:


1. ADOPTS amendments to the IMO Guidelines on Ship Recycling (resolution A.962(23)), as set out in the annex to the present resolution;


2. URGES Governments to apply forthwith the IMO Guidelines on Ship Recycling (resolution A.962(23)), as amended by this resolution;


3. REQUESTS the Marine Environment Protection Committee to keep the EVIO Guidelines on Ship Recycling under review and to amend them as necessary in the light of experience gained from their implementation.



(RESOLUTION A.962(23))


1. In Section 3 - Definitions, the definition of "Ship" is amended to read as follows:


"Ship means a vessel of any type whatsoever operating in the marine environment and includes hydrofoil boats, air-cushion vehicles, submersibles, floating craft and fixed or floating platforms."


2. The following text is added at the end of paragraph 5.2.1:


"Any changes relating to these "ship details" should be recorded. In the case of ships subject to SOLAS chapter XI-1, regulation 5, this requirement should be satisfied by the surrender, to the recycling facility, of a copy of the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) and the Certificate of Build produced by the ship builder."


3. Paragraph 5.5 is renumbered as 5.3 and is amended to read as follows:


"Part 1 of the inventory of potentially hazardous materials present in the ship's structure and equipment should be prepared:


.1 for new ships by the shipbuilder, in consultation with the equipment manufacturers, at the construction stage, and passed to the shipowner;


.2 for existing ships by the shipowner, as far as is practicable and reasonable, by reference to the ship's plans, drawings, manuals, technical specifications and ship stores manifests, in consultation with the shipbuilder, equipment manufacturers and others as appropriate."


4. Paragraph 5.3 is renumbered as 5.4 and is amended to read as follows:


"Any changes relating to Part 1 of the inventory should be recorded so as to provide updated and current information together with a history of the changes."


5. Paragraph 5.4 is renumbered as 5.5.


6. Paragraph 5.6 is replaced by the following:


"Inventories of operationally generated wastes (Part 2 of the inventory) and potentially hazardous items carried as stores (Part 3 of the inventory) should be prepared by the shipowner prior to or during the final voyage to the recycling facility and handed to the recycling facility on delivery of the ship, as part of the Green Passport."


7. Paragraph is amended to read as follows:


"The recycling State should introduce national regulations in relation to the condition of ships purchased for recycling, both at the time of purchase and at the time of delivery. In effect, the recycling State should lay down any conditions it considers necessary prior to finalization of the contract."


8. Paragraph is amended to read as follows:


"The Green Passport, including its inventory of potentially hazardous materials, which should be delivered to the recycling facility by the last owner of the ship, gives information which might be demanded by the recycling State as to the materials on the ship. The recycling State should ensure that recycling facilities can safely and legally manage any potentially hazardous wastes which might be generated during the recycling operation prior to finalization of the contract."


9. Paragraph is amended to read as follows:


"Recycling States should, in their national legislation, lay down the conditions under which ships may be imported into their State for recycling and, equally, define and enforce appropriate worker health and safety requirements."


10. Paragraph is replaced by the following:


"Recycling States should require recycling facilities to verify the Green Passport of every ship prior to finalization of the contract to ensure that any potentially hazardous materials identified as being on board the ship can be safely and legally managed in an environmentally sound manner. The verification process should specify that the actual condition of the ship is consistent with these and other relevant international guidelines, and that national requirements are fulfilled. The recycling facility is responsible for the proper management of any materials declared in the Green Passport, covered by the Recycling Plan or generated during the recycling operation."


11. Paragraph is amended to read as follows:


"The recycling facility should seek appropriate guidance from the recycling State on relevant legislation and standards. This


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