A.910(22) Amendments to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972


Resolution A.910(22)


(Adopted on 29 November 2001)





RECALLING Article VI of the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention"), on amendments to the Regulations,


HAVING CONSIDERED the amendments to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee at its seventy-third session and communicated to all Contracting Parties in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article VI of the Convention; and also the recommendations of the Maritime Safety Committee concerning the entry into force of these amendments,


1. ADOPTS, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article VI of the Convention, the amendments set out in the Annex to the present resolution;


2. DECIDES, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article VI of the Convention, that the amendments shall enter into force on 29 November 2003 unless by 29 May 2002 more than one third of the Contracting Parties have notified their objection to the amendments;


3. REQUESTS the Secretary-General, in conformity with paragraph 3 of Article VI of the Convention, to communicate this resolution to all Contracting Parties to the Convention for acceptance;


4. INVITES Contracting Parties to submit any objections to the amendments not later than 29 May 2002 whereafter the amendments will be deemed to have been accepted to enter into force as determined in the present resolution.





1. Rule 3: Paragraph (a) is amended to read as follows:


"(a) The word "vessel" includes every description of water craft, including non-displacement craft, WIG craft and seaplanes, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water".


A new paragraph (m) is added as follows:


"(m) The term "Wing-In-Ground (WIG) craft" means a multimodal craft which, in its main operational mode, flies in close proximity to the surface by utilizing surface-effect action."


2. Rule 8: Paragraph (a) is amended to read as follows:


"(a) Any action to avoid collision shall be taken in accordance with the Rules of this Part and shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, be positive, made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship."


3. Rule 18: A new paragraph (f) is added as follows:


"(f) (i) A WIG craft shall, when taking off, landing and in flight near the surface, keep well clear of all other vessels and avoid impeding their navigation;


(ii) a WIG craft operating on the water surface shall comply with the Rules of this Part as a power-driven vessel."


4. Rule 23: A new paragraph (c) is added, as follows, and the following paragraph renumbered accordingly:


"(c) A WIG craft only when taking off, landing and in flight near the surface shall, in addition to the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule, exhibit a high intensity all-round flashing red light."


5. Rule 31 is amended to read as follows:


"Where it is impracticable for a seaplane or a WIG craft to exhibit lights and shapes of the characteristics or in the positions prescribed in the Rules of this Part she shall exhibit lights and shapes as closely similar in characteristics and position as is possible."


6. Rule 33: Paragraph (a) is amended to read as follows:


"(a) A vessel of 12 metres or more in length shall be provided with a whistle, a vessel of 20 metres or more in length shall be provided with a bell in addition to a whistle, and a vessel of


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