A.870(20) 1998 international Year of the Ocean



Resolution A.870(20)


(Adopted on 27 November 1997)




RECALLING Articles 1 (d) and 2(a) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization, concerning respectively the purposes of the Organization and the performance of functions by it in relation to consideration of any matters concerning shipping and the effect of shipping on the marine environment that may be referred to it by any organ or specialized agency of the United Nations,


RECALLING ALSO Article 60 of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization, which provides that the Organization shall co-operate with any specialized agency of the United Nations in matters which may be the common concern of the Organization and of such specialized agency,


NOTING that the General Assembly of the United Nations, by resolution 49/131 of 19 December 1994, declared 1998 as the International Year of the Ocean, with the principal aim of raising greater awareness of the ocean, including maritime safety and the protection of the marine environment, and that Governments and the specialized agencies of the United Nations are invited to organize appropriate activities to observe the Year,


RECOGNIZING that more than half the world's population lives within 60 km of the shoreline and that 80% of all commodities are transported by ships across the oceans, and that as a result there is need to promote, through international co-operation and co-ordination, the integrated management and sustainable development of all coastal and ocean areas,


BEING AWARE of IMO's role in the prevention, reduction and control of degradation of the marine environment from sea-based activities,


RECOGNIZING ALSO that many Governments and specialized agencies and programmes of the United Nations system, attaching great importance to the ocean, have started to prepare for activities at international, regional or national level,


NOTING with satisfaction that a number of IMO activities in 1998 will be associated with the Year and that IMO will co-operate with

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