Resolution A.1072(28)/Corr.1
Adopted on 4 December 2013
(Agenda item 10)
RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International
Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to
regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety and the prevention and
control of marine pollution from ships,
RECALLING ALSO that the 1994 International Conference of
Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life
at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, adopted amendments to that Convention introducing, inter
alia, a new chapter IX on Management for the Safe Operation of Ships, which
makes compliance with the International Management Code for the Safe Operation
of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (International Safety Management (ISM)
Code) mandatory,
BEING AWARE that shipboard emergency plans addressing different
categories of emergencies are required under the provisions of the 1974 SOLAS
Convention, as amended, and the International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating
thereto, as amended,
RECALLING resolution A.852(20), by which it adopted the Guidelines
for a structure of an integrated system of contingency planning for shipboard
emergencies, containing guidance to assist in the preparation and use of a
module structure of an integrated system of shipboard emergency plans,
BEING CONCERNED that the presence on board ships of different and
non-harmonized emergency plans may be counterproductive in case of an
RECOGNIZING that many ships already make use of comprehensive and
effective emergency plans, such as the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
CONSCIOUS of the need that human element aspects are borne in mind
when rules and recommendations affecting shipboard operations are considered
for adoption,
WISHING to assist shipowners, ship operators and other parties
concerned in transposing, where this has not yet been done, the provisions
regulating emergency plans into a coherent contingency regime,
HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations made by the Marine
Environment Protection Committee at its sixty-fourth session and the Maritime
Safety Committee at its ninety-first session,
1 ADOPTS the Revised
Guidelines for a structure of an integrated system of contingency planning for
shipboard emergencies, as set out in the annex to the present resolution;
Governments, in the interests of uniformity, to accept the aforementioned
structure as being in conformity with the provisions for the development of the
shipboard emergency plans required by various instruments adopted by the
Governments to refer to these Revised Guidelines when preparing appropriate
national legislation;
Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee to
keep the Revised Guidelines under review and amend them as necessary in the
light of experience gained;
5 REVOKES resolution
A.852(20) with
effect from 1 July 2014.
These Guidelines, prepared by the Maritime Safety Committee and
the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the International Maritime
Organization, contain guidance to assist in the preparation of an integrated
system of contingency planning for shipboard emergencies. It is intended to be
used for the preparation and use of a module structure of an integrated system
of shipboard emergency plans.
The high number of non-harmonized shipboard contingency plans
justifies the development of an integrated system and the harmonization of the
structure of contingency plans.
Shipboard emergency preparedness is required under paragraphs and 8 of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code, as amended, referred
to in chapter IX of the SOLAS Convention, as amended, under chapter III,
regulation 24-4 of the SOLAS Convention, as adopted at the SOLAS Conference in
November 1995, and under MARPOL 73/78, Annex I, regulation 37.
To implement the SOLAS and MARPOL regulations, there must be
shipboard procedures and instructions. These Revised Guidelines provide a
framework for formulating procedures for the effective response to emergency
situations identified by the company and shipboard personnel.
this context, the main objectives of these Revised Guidelines are:
.1 to assist companies in translating the
requirements of the regulations into action by making use of the structure of
the integrated system;
.2 to integrate relevant shipboard emergency
situations into such a system;
.3 to assist in the development of harmonized
contingency plans which will enhance their acceptance by shipboard personnel
and their proper use in an emergency situation; and
.4 to encourage Governments, in the interests of
uniformity, to accept the structure of the integrated system as being in
conformity with the provisions for development of shipboard contingency plans
as required by various IMO instruments, and to refer to these Revised
Guidelines when preparing appropriate national legislation.
1.1 The ISM Code
establishes an international standard for the safe management and operation of
ships by defining elements which must be taken into account for the
organization of company management in relation to ship safety and pollution
prevention. Since emergencies, as well as cargo spillage, cannot be entirely
controlled, either through design or through normal operational procedures,
emergency preparedness and pollution prevention should form part of the company's
ship safety management. For this purpose, every company is required by the ISM
Code to develop, implement and maintain a Safety Management System (SMS).
1.2 Within this SMS,
potential emergency shipboard situations should be identified and procedures
should be established to respond to them.
1.3 If the preparation
of response actions for the many possible varying types of emergency situations
which may occur are formulated on the basis of a complete and detailed
case-by-case consideration, a great deal of duplication will result.
1.4 To avoid
duplication, shipboard contingency plans must differentiate between
"initial actions" and the major response effort involving
"subsequent response", depending on the emergency situation and the
type of ship.
1.5 A two-tier course
of action provides the basis for a modular approach, which can avoid
unnecessary duplication.
1.6 It is recommended
that a uniform and integrated system of shipboard emergency plans should be
treated as part of the ISM Code, forming a fundamental part of the company's
individual SMS.
1.7 An illustration of
how such a structure of a uniform and integrated system of shipboard emergency
plans with its different modules can be incorporated into an individual SMS is
shown in appendix 1.
2.1 Scope
2.1.1 The integrated
system of shipboard emergency plans (hereinafter referred to as the
"system") should provide a framework for the many individual contingency
plans (hereinafter referred to as the "plans"), tailored for a
variety of potential emergencies, for a uniform and modular designed structure.
2.1.2 Use of a modular
designed structure will provide a quickly visible and logically sequenced
source of information and priorities, which can reduce error and oversight
during emergency situations.
2.2 Structure of the system
2.2.1 The structure of the
system comprises the following six modules, the titles of which are:
I: Introduction
II: Provisions
III: Planning, preparedness and
IV: Response actions Module V:
Reporting procedures
VI: Annex(es).
An example of the arrangement of these modules is shown in
appendix 2.
2.2.2 Each module should contain
concise information to provide guidance and to ensure that all appropriate and
relevant factors and aspects, through the various actions and decisions during
an emergency response, are taken into account.
2.3 Concept of the system
2.3.1 The system is
intended as a tool for integrating the many different plans into a uniform and
modular structured frame. The broad spectrum of the many required plans which
may be developed by a company will result in the duplication of some elements
(e.g. reporting) of these plans. Such duplication can be avoided by using the
modular structure of the system referred to in 2.2.1.
2.3.2 Although the initial
action taken in any emergency will depend upon the nature and extent of the
incident, there are some immediate actions which should always be taken – the
so-called "initial actions" (see appendix 4). Therefore, a
distinction within the plans between "initial actions" and
"subsequent response", which depends on variables like the ship's
cargo, type of the ship, etc., will help to assist shipboard personnel in
dealing with unexpected emergencies and will ensure that the necessary actions
are taken in a priority order.
2.3.3 "Subsequent
response" is the implementation of the procedures applicable to the
3.1 General principles
3.1.1 As a starting point
for the preparation of the system, appendix 3 provides guidance and a quick
overview concerning the kind of information which may be inserted into the
individual system modules.
3.1.2 Above all, the
system should be developed in a user-friendly way. This will enhance its
acceptance by shipboard personnel.
3.1.3 For the system as
well as the associated plans to be effective it must be carefully tailored to
the individual company and ship. When doing this, differences in ship type,
construction, cargo, equipment, manning and route have to be taken into
3.2 Details of the individual modules
3.2.1 Module I: Introduction The
system should contain a module entitled "Introduction". The
content of this module should provide guidance and an overview of the
subject-matter. The
following is an example of an introductory text:
1 The system is intended to prepare
shipboard personnel for an effective response to an emergency at sea.
2 The prime objective of the system is to
provide guidance to shipboard personnel with respect to the steps to be taken
when an emergency has occurred or is likely to occur. Of equal benefit is the
experience of those involved in developing the plan.
3 The purpose of the system is to
integrate contingency plans for shipboard emergency situations and to avoid the
development of different, non-harmonized and unstructured plans which would
hamper their acceptance by shipboard personnel and their proper use in an
emergency situation. Therefore, the system and its integrated plans should be
structured and formatted in their layout and content in a consistent manner.
4 The aim of the system is to ensure the
most timely and adequate response to emergencies of varied size and nature, and
to remove any threat of serious escalation of the situation. Additionally, the
system provides a structure to prevent critical steps from being overlooked.
5 The system and associated plans should
be seen as dynamic, and should be reviewed after implementation and improved
through the sharing of experience, ideas and feedback.
6 It should be kept in mind that there
could be problems in communication due to differing language or culture of the
shipboard personnel. The system, as well as the integrated plans, will be
documented for use on board by the master, officers and relevant crew members
of the ship, and the documents must be available in the working language of the
crew. Any change in personnel which results in a change in the crew's working
language requires plans to be issued in the new language. The module should
provide information to this effect.
7 The system is to be seen as a tool for
implementing the requirements of paragraphs and 8 of the ISM Code, or
similar regulations in other IMO instruments, in a practical manner."
3.2.2 Module II: Provisions This
module should contain information and explanations on how the system could be
developed on the basis of suggestions for improvement made by the individual
company and shipboard personnel. The
primary objective of shipboard emergency prevention, preparedness and response
activities should be to develop and implement an efficient and effective system
which will minimize the risks to human life, the marine environment and
property, with a continuous effort towards improvement. To
achieve this objective, there is a need for coordination of, and consistency
in, safety procedures between the company and its ships. Therefore, the module
should require that company shore-based and shipboard contingency planning and
response are consistent and appropriately linked. Safety
involves "top-down" and "bottom-up" commitment to active
development and application of safety procedures and practices by all persons,
both ashore and afloat, including management. Free and
open communication when evaluating emergency procedures, taking into
consideration accidents and near misses when using this system, should be
pursued with the objective of improving accident prevention, preparedness and
response aboard ships. The module should take care of this recommendation by
providing information for the implementation of an error reduction strategy
with appropriate feedback and procedures for modification of plans. In
summary, the module should inform the system user about the most important
requirements with which, at a minimum, the plans should comply. The following
main elements should be addressed in the module:
procedures to be followed when reporting an emergency;
procedures for identifying, describing and responding to potential emergency
shipboard situations; and
programmes/activities for the maintenance of the system and associated plans.
3.2.3 Module III: Planning, preparedness and
training This
module should provide for emergency training and education of shipboard
personnel with a view to developing general awareness and understanding of
actions to be taken in the event of an emergency. The
system and plans will be of little value if the personnel who are to use them
are not made familiar with them. Module III should therefore provide practical
information which enables each key member of the shipboard personnel to know in
advance what their duties and responsibilities are and to whom they are to
report under the plans. Responsibility should be assigned for each emergency
system, and it should be incumbent on the company that all relevant officers
and crew members should understand, be trained in and be capable of operating
the emergency systems, such as fixed fire extinguishing systems, emergency
generator, emergency steering, fire pumps, etc. Successful
management of an emergency or marine crisis situation depends on the ability of
the shipboard personnel, the company, and external emergency coordinating
authorities to muster sufficient resources in the right positions quickly. An
important goal of planning, preparedness and training programmes should be to
increase awareness of safety and environmental issues. Training
should be at regular intervals and, in particular, be provided to shipboard
personnel transferred to new assignments. Records
of all emergency drills and exercises conducted ashore and on board should be
maintained and be available for verification. The drills and exercises should
be evaluated as an aid to determining the effectiveness of documented
procedures and identifying system improvements. When
developing plans for drills and exercises, a distinction should be made between
full-scale drills involving all the parties that may be involved in a major
incident and exercises limited to the ship and/or the company. Feedback
is essential for refining emergency response plans and emergency preparedness
based on the lessons learned from previous exercises, accident investigations
or real emergencies, and provides an avenue for continuous improvement.
Feedback should ensure that the company, as well as the ship, is prepared to
respond to shipboard emergencies (see summarizing flow diagram in appendix 1). In
conclusion, the module should, as a minimum, provide information on the procedures,
programmes or activities developed in order to:
.1 familiarize shipboard personnel with the
provisions of the system and plans;
.2 provide training for shipboard personnel
about the system and plans, in particular for personnel transferred to new
.3 schedule regular drills and exercises to
prepare shipboard personnel to deal with potential shipboard emergency
.4 coordinate the shipboard personnel and the
company's actions effectively, and include and take note of the aid which could
be provided by external emergency coordinating authorities; and
.5 prepare a workable feedback system.
3.2.4 Module IV: Response actions
This module should provide guidance for shipboard personnel in an
emergency when the ship is underway, berthed, moored, at anchor, in port or
dry-dock. In an
emergency, the best course of action to protect the personnel, ship, marine
environment and cargo requires careful consideration and prior planning.
Standards for shipboard procedures to protect personnel, stabilize conditions
and minimize environmental damage when an incident occurs should therefore be
developed. In this
context reference is made to the guidelines already developed by the
Organization, which contain information to provide a starting point and to
assist personnel in the preparation of plans for individual ships. The
variety of plans to be incorporated in the system should be simple documents
which outline procedures different from those used for daily routine
operations. With normal operational procedures very difficult problems can be
handled, but an emergency situation, whether on the ship at sea or in a port,
can extend those involved beyond their normal capabilities. In order
to keep the plans held by ship and shore identical, and to reduce possible
confusion in an emergency as to who is responsible for which action, plans
should make clear whether the action should be taken by shipboard personnel or
shoreside personnel. Taking
these particulars into consideration, the module "Response actions"
should comprise main groupings of emergency shipboard situations. Potential
emergency situations should be identified in the plans, including, but not
limited to, the following main groups of emergency:
.1 fire;
.2 damage to the ship;
.3 pollution;
.4 unlawful acts threatening the safety of the
ship and the security of its passengers and crew;
.5 personnel accidents;
.6 cargo-related accidents; and
.7 emergency assistance to other ships.
In order to give the company the necessary flexibility for
identifying, describing and responding to further shipboard emergency
situations, more specific types of emergency should be included in the main
groups. The above-mentioned
main groups can be further subdivided to cover the majority of shipboard
emergencies. The detailed response actions should be formulated so as to set in
motion the necessary steps to limit the consequence of the emergency and the
escalation of damage following, for example, a collision or grounding. The
company should identify all possible situations where shipboard contingency
planning would be required relative to the operational requirements, ship's
type, equipment and trade. The company should consider which shipboard
contingency plans should be reviewed and/or updated whenever changing trade
patterns. In all
cases priority should be given to actions which protect life, the marine
environment and property, in that order. This means that "initial
actions" which are common for all ships, regardless of their type and the
cargoes carried, should be fully taken into account when formulating
"subsequent response" procedures. The
planning of subsequent response actions should include information relating to
the individual ship and its cargo, and provide advice and data to assist the
shipboard personnel. Examples of such information are listed below:
.1 Information on:
.1 the number of persons aboard; and
.2 the cargo carried (e.g. dangerous goods,
.2 Steps to initiate external response:
.1 search and rescue coordination;
.2 buoyancy, strength and stability
.3 engagement of salvors/rescue towage;
.4 lightering capacity; and
.5 external clean-up resources;
.3 Ship drift characteristics; and
.4 General information:
.1 cooperation with national and port
authorities; and
.2 public relations. Although
shipboard personnel should be familiar with the plan, ease of reference is an
important element in compiling and using an effective plan. Allowance must be
made for quick and easy access to essential information under stressful
conditions. Appendices 3 and 4 show a detailed picture of the sequence of
priorities for "initial actions" in an emergency situation and their
link with the "subsequent response". In
summary, the module should guide those responsible for developing the system on
what should be included in emergency plans, namely:
.1 coordination of response efforts;
.2 response procedures for the entire spectrum
of possible accident scenarios, including methods that protect life, the marine
environment and property;
.3 the person or persons identified by title or
name as being in charge of all response activities;
.4 the communication lines used for ready
contact with external response experts;
.5 information concerning the availability and
location of response equipment; and
.6 reporting and communication procedures on
board ship.
A flow chart depicting a seven-step approach for emergency plan(s)
implementation is presented in section 4.
3.2.5 Module V: Reporting procedures A ship
involved in an emergency situation, or in a marine pollution incident will have
to communicate with the appropriate ship interest contacts and coastal State or
port contacts. Therefore the system must specify in appropriate detail the
procedures for making the initial report to the parties concerned. This module
should take care of the following: Every
effort should be made to assure that information regarding:
.1 ship interest contacts;
.2 coastal State contacts; and
.3 port contacts,
for reporting emergencies are part of the system and are regularly
updated. The
establishment and maintenance of rapid and reliable 24-hour communication lines
between the ship in danger and emergency control centre(s), company's main
office and national authorities (RCC, points of contact), is important. Those
managing response operations on board and services assisting ashore should keep
each other mutually informed of the situation. Details
such as telephone, telex and telefax numbers must be routinely updated to take
account of personnel changes. Clear guidance should also be provided regarding
the preferred means of communication. In this
context, reference is made to the Organization's guidelines and other national
specific plans which give sufficient guidance on the following reporting
activities necessary:
.1 when to report;
.2 how to report;
.3 whom to contact; and
.4 what to report.
3.2.6 Module VI: Annex(es)
In addition to the information required to respond successfully to
an emergency situation, other requirements that will enhance the ability of shipboard
personnel to locate and follow-up operative part 5 of the plan may be required.
4 Example format for
a procedure of a selected emergency situation
An example format for a procedure of a selected emergency
situation referred to in 3.2.4 is shown in the flow chart below.
MODULE IV: Response actions
MODULE IV: Response
MODULE IV: Response
procedures |
Emergency Group: Fire |
1. The master is
obliged to report details and to inform all interested parties about the Fire
emergency and the actions taken so far by means of the fastest
telecommunication channels available. 2. In case of a Fire
the following reporting procedures are recommended: 2.1 Alert by
radiocommunication ships in the vicinity; 2.2 If the ship stays
in or is near port refer to * coastal State
contact list * port contact
list for assistance; 2.3 Notify all
relevant ship interest contacts who are to be advised in an emergency
(reference is made to ship interest contact list). |